Tender Warrior: When Men Get It Right Everybody Wins

Tender Warrior - Man In Silhouette Praying

Tender Warrior: When Men Get It Right Everybody Wins “When men get it right in their walk with God, everybody wins, and when men get it wrong everybody pays a price.” This quote is taken from Stu Weber’s beloved book “Tender Warrior: Every Man’s Purpose, Every Woman’s Dream, Every Child’s … Read more

What Is Soaking Prayer & Why You Should Make Time For It

What Is Soaking Prayer - More Soaking, Less Talking Graphic

What Is Soaking Prayer & Why You Should Make Time For It What is soaking prayer? Simply put, it’s setting aside time for intimacy with God, with the purpose of experiencing His manifested presence. You don’t have to worry about if you’re doing it right. There are no rules. Neither … Read more

Trauma and Brain Function [3 Ways Abuse Damages The Brain]

Trauma and Brain Function - Picture of Human Brain

Trauma and Brain Function [3 Ways Abuse Damages The Brain] Have you ever wondered how PTSD, phobias, obsessions, hyper-vigilance, pervasive trust issues, addictions, and eating disorders develop? You’ll better understand how these conditions arise by recognizing the connection between trauma and brain function. Here are 3 ways chronic abuse can … Read more

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul]

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy - Beautiful Tub Against Brick Wall

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul] Soaking in a tub with relaxing music and essentials oils is amazing for reducing stress hormones, for realigning perspective, and for rejuvenating both mentally and emotionally. However, you may as well bring out the big guns while you’re at it, and … Read more

Relationships and Health: 5 Ways Abuse Will Hijack Your Heart & Health

Relationships and Health - Woman Laying Head on Man's Shoulder

There is a direct correlation between the nature of our relationships and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Research into relationships and health has demonstrated repeatedly that supportive relationships can strengthen immunity, whereas toxic unions inhibit it. Loving connections are associated with longevity, quicker recovery from health challenges, a robust … Read more

S. Boulardii Benefits [The HEALTHY Yeast]

The Healthy Yeast - Yeast in a Bowl

Saccharomyces boulardii is a powerful probiotic used to treat, and even prevent, many conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It’s one of the few probiotics that isn’t destroyed by antibiotics, aiding in maintaining healthy gut flora during and after antibiotic use. S. boulardii benefits include: it’s inexpensive unlike many probiotics, it’s … Read more

What Is The Insulin Index? [A Tool For Permanent Weight Loss]

What Is The Insulin Index - Glucometer

Who isn’t looking to drop a few pounds? We all want to be leaner and look better in our clothes. There’s good news – the insulin index is a great tool to help you achieve your ideal weight. Learn how it differs from the glycemic index, and how to use … Read more

The AMAZING & Versatile Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Versatile Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Mushrooms in Forest

Mushrooms grow from the mycelium, or vegetative portion, of fungi. These magical fungi regenerate growth, decompose malignancies, and have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties. Keep reading to learn about the many health benefits of medicinal mushrooms. This article will highlight 5 types of mushrooms. Disclaimer: “This post contains affiliate links. … Read more

5 Ways To Strengthen The Vagus Nerve For BETTER Health

Strengthen the Vagus Nerve for Better Health - Two Women Laughing

The vagus nerve, also called the wandering nerve, is the 10th cranial nerve originating at the base of the brain and culminating in the gut. It is a pair of nerves that runs down both sides of the neck, circling around the digestive tract, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and pancreas. … Read more

Lean Optimizer: The Weight Loss Supplement That Optimizes Hormones

Lean Optimizer Weight Loss Supplement - Lean Optimizer

Today I’m writing this review on a popular weight loss supplement, Dr. Sam Robbin’s Lean Optimizer. This product has been a number-one bestseller since 1999. If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, this supplement may be for you.  Is Lean Optimizer just one of many weight-loss fads on the … Read more

How Whole Body Hyperthermia BOOSTS Immune Function

Whole Body Hyperthermia - The Words "Heat Therapy" With Checkmark Box

Additionally, the therapy exploits the fact that cancer cells are more sensitive to heat than are normal cells, due to deficits in cooling.   What Is Whole Body Hyperthermia? Hyperthermia is a type of heat therapy that exposes tissues in the body to high temperatures, not exceeding 113° Fahrenheit. This is … Read more

The 5 Types of Immunotherapies [An Innovative Approach To Enhanced Immunity]

The 5 Types of Immunotherapies - Immunotherapy Book

Immunotherapy harnesses the body’s innate immunity to attack disease. The therapy is becoming more mainstream in regard to cancer, and is continually improving as more research is being conducted. Optimizing immune function is pivotal to preventing and eradicating cancer and other diseases. Here are some facts about the 5 types … Read more

3 Dangers Of Drinking Alkaline Water You SHOULD Be Aware Of

3 Dangers of Drinking Alkaline Water - Glass of Water

Is changing the pH of your water a good idea?  People drink alkaline water in order to alkalize their tissues. However, you’re going to run into problems if you alkalize your stomach. Ideally, the pH in the stomach should be 1.5 in order to adequately digest food. Drinking alkaline water … Read more

What Are the Symptoms of MARCoNs? [Staph Infection in the Nasal Cavity]

What Are the Symptoms of MARCoNs? [Staph Infection in the Nasal Cavity]

When I tell you what MARCoNS stands for you’ll understand why it’s referred to by its acronym. MARCoNS stands for Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci. What this means in layman’s terms is a staph infection in the nasal cavity that has become resistant to antibiotics. What are the symptoms … Read more

Here’s A FANTASTIC Way To Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage From Home

Lymphatic Drainage From Home - Lymphstar Essence

The human body has a built-in drainage system called the lymphatic system. This system maintains fluid balance, producing and transporting lymph from the tissues to the bloodstream. The lymphatic system is actually a subset of both the circulatory and immune systems. If it’s not functioning correctly, you’ll feel puffy, toxic, … Read more

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy & Why You Should Care!

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - Graphic

Energizing and activating your body’s own healing mechanisms is critical if you want to heal from chronic disease.  Electromagnetic field therapy isn’t new, and has been used from the advent of electricity. In fact, in the 1800s Nikola Tesla discovered that electrical currents could be passed through the body without … Read more

GMO Crops in The US You Need To AVOID!

GMO Crops in The US

  Hopefully by now, we all know the dangers of GMOs, but do you know what GMO crops are grown and sold in the US? It’s important to know which foods contain GMOs so you can choose healthier alternatives. Check out this infographic to help you remember the specific foods … Read more

The 3 Categories of Carcinogens You MUST Avoid

The 3 Categories of Carcinogens You MUST Avoid - DNA Helix

How does cancer develop? It doesn’t just suddenly appear, but rather is the result of processes that takes place within the cell. Cancer results from breaks in DNA, or mutations, that accumulate over time, and are linked to three categories of carcinogens. Mutations allow cancer cells to become immortal, which … Read more

The Most Common Types Of Cancer And Their Warning Signs

cancer definition

Did you know there are over 100 different types of cancer, yet only a handful account for up to 75% of all diagnosed cases? Following is a list of the most common types of cancer, in no particular order, along with their early warning signs and risk factors. Protect yourself … Read more

5 Reasons You Should STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today

STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today - Coke Can With X On Top

On the surface, substituting sugar-laden soda for diet alternatives, seems like a good idea. This substitution seems so logical that millions of people have bought into this very idea. Although many prescribe to this seemingly harmless practice, doesn’t mean it’s healthy or even safe for that matter.  In fact, the … Read more

Cannabis and Cancer [An Important Component Of A Holistic Protocol]

Cannabis and Cancer - Cannabis Leaves

Check out these 5 reasons to consider using cannabis as part of your cancer-fighting protocol. The cannabinoids in cannabis impact processes in the body that either inhibit cancer or enable its spread. Cannabis and Cancer 1. Apoptosis: This is a protective mechanism in which rogue or diseased cells are destroyed, … Read more

3 Reasons To Use Turkey Tail Mushrooms For Breast Cancer

turkey tail mushrooms for cancer graphic

How can a type of fungus that grows abundantly on dead logs and trees be medicinal for health? The Chinese have understood the value of mushrooms for centuries. These shriveled, spongy-looking things are loaded with hundreds of therapeutic constituents that reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and combat pathogenic organisms. … Read more

TOXIC: Heal Your Body | Book Review

Toxic: Heal Your Body Book Review - Graphic

I’ve recently read an amazingly informative book that I’d like to share with you today. It’s called “Toxic – Heal your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness by Neil Nathan, MD. This book is jam-packed with information from a doctor that has unique … Read more

DIY Vapor Rub Recipe For Colds & Coughs

DIY Vapor Rub Recipe - Graphic

If I had to pick the most annoying health affliction, it would be a cough. Since coughs are viral, aside from suppressing them with prescription medications that contain dextromethorphan, there’s not much you can do except exercise relief-care. That’s where a DIY vapor rub can come in mighty handy, particularly … Read more

Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies

Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies - Green Juice

With the quarantine still in place, health and wellness is on everyone’s mind. Finding ways to fortify immunity is the best strategy any of us can implement at this time. Did you know you can boost your immune system naturally with simple green smoothies? Keep reading to find out how. … Read more

Can I Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting?

Can I Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting - Cup Of Coffee

“Can I drink coffee while intermittent fasting?” is by far one of the most common questions new fasters have. I wondered the same thing when I began fasting. Let’s find out what beverages are safe to drink while intermittent fasting. Ketosis, Insulin Sensitivity, and Autophagy The point of intermittent fasting … Read more

10 Symptoms Of Leukemia You Should Never Ignore

10 Symptoms Of Leukemia - The Word "Cancer" By Needle

Any type of cancer is scary – leukemia is no exception. Blood cells are formed within the soft tissue of bones, called the bone marrow. Leukemia, which is cancer of the blood cells, is a progressive disease in which the bone marrow produces abnormal leukocytes, or white blood cells. In … Read more

Signs And Symptoms Of Ewing’s Sarcoma

Signs And Symptoms Of Ewing's Sarcoma - Picture Of Bones

Ewing’s sarcoma is an aggressive type of bone and soft tissue cancer that primarily affects children and teenagers. The prognosis is good if the cancer is caught in the early stages before it’s spread. Fortunately, this type of cancer is rare, occurring in approximately one out of every million people … Read more

What Are The Main Organs Of The Immune System?

Organs Of The Immune System - Graphic

The immune system is a fascinating, complex network of organs, lymph vessels, and immune cells working in tandem as a defense system to protect us from foreign invaders and disease. Immune system organs produce, and are responsible for, the maturation of vital defense cells. What are the main organs of … Read more

Insulin Potentiation Therapy [A Gentler Approach To Chemotherapy]

girl with IV in arm

Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is an intravenous holistic cancer therapy that uses insulin to enhance the efficacy of low-dose chemotherapy. IPT is much gentler than conventional chemotherapy, and doesn’t come with the horrific side effects patients typically have to endure. The History Of Insulin Potentiation Therapy Dr. Steven Ayre is … Read more

5 Ways A Cancer Coach Can Support Someone With Cancer

the word "coaching" in red

A cancer coach is someone who walks alongside a person with cancer to support and advocate for them every step of the way on their healing journey, from formulating therapeutic protocols, to setting reasonable goals, to being a listening ear. Support is given in a variety of areas, including nutritional … Read more

Fasting And The Immune System | What’s The Connection?

glass of water

The word “fasting” triggers panic. We all love food – giving it up is NOT a pleasant thought. However, receiving a cancer diagnosis might change your mind when it comes to fasting. Intermittent fasting, a form of fasting that implements time restrictions on when you eat, is a hot topic … Read more

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer - Oranges

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Time stands still while your head spins with all the decisions that need to be made – there are so many options to consider. Emotions run high and fear of the unknown is palpable. These feelings are normal, for both the person with cancer … Read more

What Is The Immune System and How Does It Work?

What Is The Immune System - Graphic

What is the immune system and how does it work? The immune system is a complex system within the human body that protects against invaders, toxins, infections and cancer. It’s our primary host defense system that includes many biological processes and structures that prevent disease. There are two main immune … Read more

10 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer And Reduce Your Risk

10 Skin Cancer Prevention Tips - Woman In Broad Brimmed Hat

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the United States, with 1 million people being diagnosed annually. Melanoma is the most aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer, but fortunately, it’s also the rarest. In the majority of cases, skin cancer is not life-threatening. Early diagnosis … Read more

What Are The 7 Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

What Are The 7 Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease - Magnifying Glass

Referred to as “the long good-bye,” Alzheimer’s is one of the most feared diseases, and rightly so. It cruelly robs its victims of their mind and memories. It’s grossly misunderstood, costing millions of dollars each year in medical costs, lost wages and long-term care costs. What are the 7 stages … Read more

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally - Fat People Walking

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly more common, especially in western countries. An accumulation of fat in the liver is the culprit behind the disease. It’s normal for a healthy liver to contain some fat, however if the level exceeds 10%, the liver is considered fatty. Learn how to … Read more

5 Benefits Of Fermented Turmeric

Benefits Of Fermented Turmeric - Graphic

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a perennial herb and member of the ginger family. Curcumin is the primary active constituent in the spice turmeric, and has been a highly-touted supplement used for pain and inflammation. Fermented foods have been in the forefront due to their incredible benefits on digestion and … Read more

DMSO Potentiation Therapy – A Holistic Therapy For Cancer

DMSO Potentiation Therapy - DMSO Chart

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a natural substance derived from trees It’s used to relieve painful conditions, such as arthritis, bladder inflammation, and joint pain. DMSO Potentiation Therapy is used as a holistic therapy for cancer to enhance the effects of chemotherapy, enabling significantly lower doses to be used. What Is Dimethyl … Read more

5 Ways Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

cannabis leaves

Cannabis is a controversial plant. Also known as marijuana, it is used both recreationally and medically. Recent studies are discovering the undeniable therapeutic effects of cannabis on the human body. This is because we have an endocannabinoid system with receptors for cannabinoids, the chemical compounds found in cannabis. Cannabis is … Read more

How Strong Is Your Immune System? [10 Signs It May Be Struggling]

How Strong Is Your Immune System - Immunity Graphic

With the pandemic still raging, a robust immune system has never been more important. Plus, the winter months are just ahead here in North America. How strong is your immune system? Here are 10 signs it may be struggling, along with strategies you can implement to stay healthy all season … Read more

5 Labs For Inflammation You Can Order Online

vials for labs for inflammation

Direct-to-consumer laboratory testing is revolutionizing the way people are measuring and evaluating their health. Functional labs are affordable and accessible to everyone regardless of whether they’re insured, or have a doctor’s order, making it convenient for health-conscious individuals who want to make informed choices when in comes to their well-being … Read more

7 Symptoms and Signs of Estrogen Dominance

the word "Hormones" and "Estrogen"

If you’ve struggled with infertility, endometriosis, allergies, autoimmunity, or PMS, you know how powerful hormones are. Any woman who’s gone through menopause can explain in graphic detail the symptoms of having too little estrogen, with it’s unique array of miserable symptoms.]Protect your health by familiarizing yourself with these 7 signs … Read more

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage - Two Wine Glasses

Keeping your liver healthy is vitally important because it’s responsible for so many critical processes in the body. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. Unfortunately, you may not be aware that your liver function has declined until substantial damage has already occurred. Here are 5 tips to reduce alcohol induced … Read more

10 Symptoms Of Inflammation You Shouldn’t Ignore

symptoms of inflammation graphic

What do cancer, heart disease, and diabetes all have in common? You’re spot on if you said “inflammation.” Inflammation underlies all disease states and conditions. Many people in today’s society are inflamed. In fact, I would say you’re in the minority if you’re not inflamed. Do you have any of … Read more

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage [Bounce Your Way To Wellness]

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage - Foot On Rebounder

Jumping on a trampoline is a blast, but did you know that bouncing on a rebounder can be therapeutic? Rebounding is a healing modality that can help the lymphatic system function optimally, and in turn, the immune system. A robust immune system is the body’s primary defense against disease and … Read more

Turpentine – A Complementary Therapy For Cancer And Other Diseases

picture of pine tree

Most people associate turpentine with paint because it’s used as a solvent and paint thinner, but what you may not know is that it’s been used as a healing remedy for centuries. Pure gum turpentine, or pine tree oil, comes from distilled pine tree sap or resin, and is used … Read more

What Is The Best Way To BURN Belly Fat?

What Is The Best Way To BURN Belly Fat? - Measuring Tape Around Belly

The liver performs many functions in the body – it play a huge role in keeping us healthy. If it’s chemical in nature, then you can pretty much bet the liver is involved. It also plays a critical role in all metabolic processes. The liver is an essential organ that … Read more

What Are The 3 Stages Of Lyme Disease [Tips To Strengthen Immunity]

yellow street sign with tick on it

Lyme disease progresses in 3 stages, with symptoms ranging from mild to debilitating, if left untreated. Knowing the symptoms and getting an early diagnosis is critical. What are the 3 stages of Lyme disease? What Is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease, and is caused by … Read more

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting- Colorful Clocks

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most likely heard of intermittent fasting. It’s a popular time-restricted eating pattern used to decrease insulin levels, and boost human growth hormone. The results of this double hormonal whammy include weight loss, a lowered risk for cardiovascular disease, and increased cognitive function … Read more

How To Heal A Broken Heart & Set Yourself FREE! [20 Tips]

How To Heal Your Broken Heart - Key With The Word Forgiveness

Forgiveness. It’s a big topic, and one most of us don’t talk about. We’d rather keep our anger. This has been me at times. Did you know that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself because it has more to do with you than the person you’re forgiving.  Releasing negative … Read more

Can An H. Pylori Bacterial Infection Be A Precursor To Stomach Cancer?

H Pylori Bacterial Infection - Man With Stomach Ache

Helicobacter Pylori is a common bacterial infection that attacks the lining of the stomach, causing ulcers, bloating, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite. Many people have no idea they have it. This spiral-shaped bacterium is thought to infect up to half the world’s population. Although, most cases of the infection … Read more

Benefits Of Ozone Sauna Therapy

Ozone Sauna Therapy - Sauna Brush

I’m a big believer in alternative cancer therapies. I love sweating in an infrared sauna, and using my ozone generator weekly. Put the two together, and you’ve got a fantastic way to improve health, eliminate toxins, and reduce stress. Let’s talk more about ozone sauna therapy, an amazing complementary oxidative … Read more

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