Why The Ketogenic Diet For Dummies WORKS & Works FAST!

Keto for Dummies - Keto Salad

Everybody’s talking about the Ketogenic diet and with good reason. It’s no secret that obesity and inflammatory diseases have reached epidemic proportions. In this post, I’ll try and simplify (hence the name, “The Ketogenic Diet for Dummies”) the ins and outs of why this way of eating is beneficial, the … Read more

How To Balance Hormones NATURALLY With Diet & Exercise

How To Balance Hormones Naturally - Four Women With Thumbs Up

Ooooh, the hot topic that we all love or hate – hormones. What are they and what can we do to keep them balanced? For starters, being on top of your liver function is one key way to improve endocrine function. Learn how to balance hormones naturally to look better, … Read more

5 Reasons You Should STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today

STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today - Coke Can With X On Top

On the surface, substituting sugar-laden soda for diet alternatives, seems like a good idea. This substitution seems so logical that millions of people have bought into this very idea. Although many prescribe to this seemingly harmless practice, doesn’t mean it’s healthy or even safe for that matter.  In fact, the … Read more

Fasting And The Immune System | What’s The Connection?

glass of water

The word “fasting” triggers panic. We all love food – giving it up is NOT a pleasant thought. However, receiving a cancer diagnosis might change your mind when it comes to fasting. Intermittent fasting, a form of fasting that implements time restrictions on when you eat, is a hot topic … Read more

What Are The Hourly Benefits Of Fasting?

empty plates and cutlery

It’s an established fact that going without food is therapeutic. What you may not know is the hour-by-hour benefits of fasting. For instance, what are the hourly benefits of fasting for six hours, 16 hours, or 48 hours, in terms of its impact on blood sugar, insulin, liver glycogen, human … Read more

How To Change Your Life By Eating According To Your Metabolic Type

How To Change Your Life By Eating According To Your Metabolic Type - Beautiful Meal

Did you know you can change your life by changing how you eat? I firmly believe, without a doubt, the number one diet tip every person looking to improve their health should know is learning what their metabolic type is and eating accordingly. Why? Because eating based on your unique … Read more

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting- Colorful Clocks

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most likely heard of intermittent fasting. It’s a popular time-restricted eating pattern used to decrease insulin levels, and boost human growth hormone. The results of this double hormonal whammy include weight loss, a lowered risk for cardiovascular disease, and increased cognitive function … Read more

What Is A Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner? [FDN]

puzzle piece with the word education on it

What is an FDN? FDN stands for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I know, it’s a mouthful. Being an FDN practitioner can change your life and your clients’ lives in profound and meaningful ways. Educate, support, inspire and help others live their best lives, while living your own best life. What … Read more

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