3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused

Signs You're Being Manipulated - Woman in Sad Pose By Window

3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused Covert abuse can be subtle and not overtly apparent in many cases. Following are 3 not-so-obvious signs you’re being manipulated. This abuse can happen within a marriage, with siblings, parents or friends, in the workplace, and sadly, even in religious environments. Signs … Read more

Why The Ketogenic Diet For Dummies WORKS & Works FAST!

Keto for Dummies - Keto Salad

Everybody’s talking about the Ketogenic diet and with good reason. It’s no secret that obesity and inflammatory diseases have reached epidemic proportions. In this post, I’ll try and simplify (hence the name, “The Ketogenic Diet for Dummies”) the ins and outs of why this way of eating is beneficial, the … Read more

Relationships and Health: 5 Ways Abuse Will Hijack Your Heart & Health

Relationships and Health - Woman Laying Head on Man's Shoulder

There is a direct correlation between the nature of our relationships and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Research into relationships and health has demonstrated repeatedly that supportive relationships can strengthen immunity, whereas toxic unions inhibit it. Loving connections are associated with longevity, quicker recovery from health challenges, a robust … Read more

What Is The Insulin Index? [A Tool For Permanent Weight Loss]

What Is The Insulin Index - Glucometer

Who isn’t looking to drop a few pounds? We all want to be leaner and look better in our clothes. There’s good news – the insulin index is a great tool to help you achieve your ideal weight. Learn how it differs from the glycemic index, and how to use … Read more

How To Balance Hormones NATURALLY With Diet & Exercise

How To Balance Hormones Naturally - Four Women With Thumbs Up

Ooooh, the hot topic that we all love or hate – hormones. What are they and what can we do to keep them balanced? For starters, being on top of your liver function is one key way to improve endocrine function. Learn how to balance hormones naturally to look better, … Read more

Lean Optimizer: The Weight Loss Supplement That Optimizes Hormones

Lean Optimizer Weight Loss Supplement - Lean Optimizer

Today I’m writing this review on a popular weight loss supplement, Dr. Sam Robbin’s Lean Optimizer. This product has been a number-one bestseller since 1999. If you’re looking to lose a few pounds, this supplement may be for you.  Is Lean Optimizer just one of many weight-loss fads on the … Read more

Follow These 5 Steps To Get A RIPPED Body By Summer

How To Get A Ripped Body By Summer - Woman In Red Bikini

Are you stressed about summer and all those vacations you’ve got planned because you don’t like how you look in a swimsuit? You’re not alone, women the world over (and men too) are bemoaning the fact that they don’t like what they see in the mirror. It’s high time to … Read more

Coffee And Metabolism [Are You A FAST or SLOW Metabolizer?]

Coffee And Metabolism - Cup of Coffee

There are two camps of coffee consumers – slow metabolizers and fast metabolizers. The rate at which you metabolize caffeine is a determining factor in your reaction towards coffee. Are you energized and euphoric after drinking a cup or do you feel wired and tired? In this post, I’ll be … Read more

7 Warning Signs Of Insulin Resistance You Shouldn’t Ignore

signs of insulin resistance - man using glucometer

Did you know you can have insulin resistance and not know it? The tissues in your body become resistant to insulin gradually without you being aware of it. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs of insulin resistance, a condition of chronic inflammation and high blood sugar, and … Read more

Berberine And Blood Sugar [Reduce Glucose Levels WITHOUT Side Effects]

Blood Sugar And Berberine - Oregon Grapes

Obesity is epidemic in today’s society and is a significant public health threat. You don’t have to look far to see the effects of our high-sugar diets and sedentary lifestyles. Keeping blood sugar balanced is key to preventing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Prevention is always the best course. … Read more

What Are The Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Woman getting out of bed

PCOS is the acronym for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a hormonal disorder that affects women in their reproductive years. In fact, up to 10% of women in the United States suffer from this frustrating condition, which makes weight loss difficult and can result in infertility. PCOS presents differently in everyone, making … Read more

Can I Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting?

Can I Drink Coffee While Intermittent Fasting - Cup Of Coffee

“Can I drink coffee while intermittent fasting?” is by far one of the most common questions new fasters have. I wondered the same thing when I began fasting. Let’s find out what beverages are safe to drink while intermittent fasting. Ketosis, Insulin Sensitivity, and Autophagy The point of intermittent fasting … Read more

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally - Fat People Walking

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly more common, especially in western countries. An accumulation of fat in the liver is the culprit behind the disease. It’s normal for a healthy liver to contain some fat, however if the level exceeds 10%, the liver is considered fatty. Learn how to … Read more

What Is Leptin Resistance? [5 Causes And Strategies To Reverse It]

what is leptin resistance graphic

We hear a lot about insulin resistance, but what is leptin resistance? Just as cells can become resistant to the effects of insulin, they can also stop responding to leptin, a hormone associated with satiety and hunger. Interestingly, leptin resistance can be caused by insulin resistance. In this post, I’ll … Read more

7 Symptoms and Signs of Estrogen Dominance

the word "Hormones" and "Estrogen"

If you’ve struggled with infertility, endometriosis, allergies, autoimmunity, or PMS, you know how powerful hormones are. Any woman who’s gone through menopause can explain in graphic detail the symptoms of having too little estrogen, with it’s unique array of miserable symptoms.]Protect your health by familiarizing yourself with these 7 signs … Read more

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage - Two Wine Glasses

Keeping your liver healthy is vitally important because it’s responsible for so many critical processes in the body. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. Unfortunately, you may not be aware that your liver function has declined until substantial damage has already occurred. Here are 5 tips to reduce alcohol induced … Read more

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts [Lose Weight And Keep It Off]

blue running shoes and weights

Let’s first define what high intensity interval training workouts are and why they’re so beneficial for weight loss. Interval training is a type of exercise that alternates between intense exercise for short periods of time followed by a rest or recovery period. This type of exercise is extremely effective for … Read more

The Benefits Of EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy)

The Benefits Of EWOT - Girl On Bike With Oxygen Mask

Exercise is a non-negotiable if you want good health. What if you could exponentially enhance the benefits you’re already getting from your exercise routine?  Oxygen is without a doubt our most essential nutrient. If you don’t believe me, hold your breath for a minute. You can survive without food for … Read more

What Is The Best Way To BURN Belly Fat?

What Is The Best Way To BURN Belly Fat? - Measuring Tape Around Belly

The liver performs many functions in the body – it play a huge role in keeping us healthy. If it’s chemical in nature, then you can pretty much bet the liver is involved. It also plays a critical role in all metabolic processes. The liver is an essential organ that … Read more

What Is Chronobiology? [How Circadian Rhythms Affect Health]

What Is Chronobiology - Hands On A Clock

Ever wondered why you’re a night owl but your best friend gets up at the crack of dawn? Circadian rhythms are behind this phenomenon. Each of us has our own built-in clock that is unique to us. Let’s learn more about a fascinating area of science called chronobiology, and how … Read more

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting

Human Growth Hormone And Intermittent Fasting- Colorful Clocks

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve most likely heard of intermittent fasting. It’s a popular time-restricted eating pattern used to decrease insulin levels, and boost human growth hormone. The results of this double hormonal whammy include weight loss, a lowered risk for cardiovascular disease, and increased cognitive function … Read more

How To Burn Fat Naturally By Activating These Hormones

How To Burn Fat Naturally - Scale And Measuring Tape

Hormones are powerful. We feel really good when they are balanced, and pretty terrible when they’re not. Hormones not only influence metabolism, but are key factors affecting mood, well-being, and energy levels. Are you doing everything right, but the scale won’t budge? Hormonal imbalances may be the underlying cause. Empower … Read more

Is Soy Good Or Bad? [Make An Informed Decision]

soybeans and soy milk

Is soy good or bad or is it somewhere in the middle? It’s a food shrouded in controversy. I stand firmly in the camp of those who believe there are both benefits and drawbacks, depending on how it’s prepared. If you’re on the fence, discover 6 reasons to consider eating … Read more

10 Ways To Prevent Cancer You Can Start Implementing TODAY

10 Ways To Prevent Cancer - 3 Women Laughing

Cancer is on the rise and is the second leading cause of death excluding cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, there’s a lot you can do to reduce your risk. Since less than 10% of all cancers are genetic, how you choose to live your life matters. Here’s a list of 10 ways … Read more

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