Are You Carrying Heavy Burdens That Make Your Arms Ache?

Are Carrying Heavy Burdens - Glass Half Full Of Water

In today’s post, I want to address the topic of stress. We all feel it, don’t we? The stresses and annoyances of everyday living. It’s just part of being alive and living on this planet. The thing about stress, though, is we can reduce its effects by changing how we … Read more

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul]

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy - Beautiful Tub Against Brick Wall

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul] Soaking in a tub with relaxing music and essentials oils is amazing for reducing stress hormones, for realigning perspective, and for rejuvenating both mentally and emotionally. However, you may as well bring out the big guns while you’re at it, and … Read more

Progress and Goals Are Soooo Much Better Than Feeling Stuck

Goals and Progress - Try Something New Quote

Progress and Goals Are Soooo Much Better Than Feeling Stuck I’m still basking in the relief of being divorced and out of my house. Relief is such a wonderful, life-giving emotion. I highly recommend it. However, to say I was utterly spent and exhausted for days after moving is an … Read more

What Does Betrayal Feel Like?

What Does Betrayal Feel Like - Hammer Raised Above An Egg

What Does Betrayal Feel Like? Betrayal hurts. It changes who you are. The way you look at yourself, others and the world is forever altered. What does betrayal feel like? A betrayal wound is an excruciating, overwhelming and unrelenting pain that takes a long time to heal. Betrayal is an … Read more

Why The Ketogenic Diet For Dummies WORKS & Works FAST!

Keto for Dummies - Keto Salad

Everybody’s talking about the Ketogenic diet and with good reason. It’s no secret that obesity and inflammatory diseases have reached epidemic proportions. In this post, I’ll try and simplify (hence the name, “The Ketogenic Diet for Dummies”) the ins and outs of why this way of eating is beneficial, the … Read more

The Best Broccoli Salad Recipe EVER

broccoli salad

Summer’s here and that means pool parties, lazy days at the lake, weekend barbecues or just leisurely hanging with friends. What’s a party without food? Stay tuned for the best broccoli salad recipe, which is the perfect addition for any occasion. It’s chock full of crisp, antioxidant-rich goodness, and the … Read more

S. Boulardii Benefits [The HEALTHY Yeast]

The Healthy Yeast - Yeast in a Bowl

Saccharomyces boulardii is a powerful probiotic used to treat, and even prevent, many conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. It’s one of the few probiotics that isn’t destroyed by antibiotics, aiding in maintaining healthy gut flora during and after antibiotic use. S. boulardii benefits include: it’s inexpensive unlike many probiotics, it’s … Read more

5 Ways To Strengthen The Vagus Nerve For BETTER Health

Strengthen the Vagus Nerve for Better Health - Two Women Laughing

The vagus nerve, also called the wandering nerve, is the 10th cranial nerve originating at the base of the brain and culminating in the gut. It is a pair of nerves that runs down both sides of the neck, circling around the digestive tract, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and pancreas. … Read more

How To Balance Hormones NATURALLY With Diet & Exercise

How To Balance Hormones Naturally - Four Women With Thumbs Up

Ooooh, the hot topic that we all love or hate – hormones. What are they and what can we do to keep them balanced? For starters, being on top of your liver function is one key way to improve endocrine function. Learn how to balance hormones naturally to look better, … Read more

SUPERCHARGE Your Workouts By Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water

SUPERCHARGE Your Workouts By Drinking Hydrogen Rich Water - Hydrogen Generator

How would you like to improve your athletic performance, increase the production of ATP, and upregulate your body’s own endogenous antioxidants? Breathing in molecular hydrogen or drinking hydrogen-rich water is an innovative way to improve your health. Let’s talk about the therapeutic benefits of molecular hydrogen. Disclaimer: This article is … Read more

Here’s A FANTASTIC Way To Stimulate Lymphatic Drainage From Home

Lymphatic Drainage From Home - Lymphstar Essence

The human body has a built-in drainage system called the lymphatic system. This system maintains fluid balance, producing and transporting lymph from the tissues to the bloodstream. The lymphatic system is actually a subset of both the circulatory and immune systems. If it’s not functioning correctly, you’ll feel puffy, toxic, … Read more

What Are Mycotoxins and Why You Should Care?


What are mycotoxins? They’re toxic compounds created by fungus that have the potential to cause dysfunction in the body, including immune deficiencies and cancer. These toxins grow on common food sources, such as grains, coffee beans, and dried fruit.  In this post, I’ll be sharing facts about mycotoxins, and what … Read more

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System Review

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System

The Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System is ideal for neutralizing odors, sanitizing food, destroying bacteria on the skin and household surfaces, bathing pets, hand washing, and fighting mildew. Ozone is a powerful way to neutralize harmful substances on the body and in the environment. You can do … Read more

10 Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 

Empowering Women With Breast Cancer - Oxygen Icon

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, has been used for several decades to heal chronic wounds, accelerate healing, and stimulate the immune system by increasing oxygen levels in the body. Recent studies are finding that HBOT has a favorable impact on cancer as well. Check out these 10 benefits of hyperbaric … Read more

TOXIC: Heal Your Body | Book Review

Toxic: Heal Your Body Book Review - Graphic

I’ve recently read an amazingly informative book that I’d like to share with you today. It’s called “Toxic – Heal your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness by Neil Nathan, MD. This book is jam-packed with information from a doctor that has unique … Read more

How To Detox Your Kidneys GENTLY & Naturally From Home

How To Detox Your Kidneys Naturally - Hands Around Kidneys

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located below the rib cage on either side of the spine. These tiny organs pack a big punch in maintaining health by eliminating toxins from the body and filtering the blood before it returns to the heart. Kidney cleanses, done twice a year, are … Read more

Fasting And The Immune System | What’s The Connection?

glass of water

The word “fasting” triggers panic. We all love food – giving it up is NOT a pleasant thought. However, receiving a cancer diagnosis might change your mind when it comes to fasting. Intermittent fasting, a form of fasting that implements time restrictions on when you eat, is a hot topic … Read more

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer - Oranges

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Time stands still while your head spins with all the decisions that need to be made – there are so many options to consider. Emotions run high and fear of the unknown is palpable. These feelings are normal, for both the person with cancer … Read more

Is 5G More Dangerous Than 4G?

Is 5G More Dangerous Than 4G - 5G Icons

How will 5G, the newest global wireless technology, impact human health? It’s a good question, and one we should all be highly invested in because any technological advances that have the potential to damage health, also have the ability to significantly reduce quality of life. Is 5G more dangerous than … Read more

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally

How To Reverse Fatty Liver Disease Naturally - Fat People Walking

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is becoming increasingly more common, especially in western countries. An accumulation of fat in the liver is the culprit behind the disease. It’s normal for a healthy liver to contain some fat, however if the level exceeds 10%, the liver is considered fatty. Learn how to … Read more

Easy Essiac Tea Recipe

essiac tea recipe graphic

Essiac tea is a nourishing, soothing, and detoxifying elixir that is widely used as a holistic cancer therapy. The ancient recipe was made by the Ojibwe Native American tribe, and is often referred to as the “Tea of Life.” Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, helped scores of people heal from … Read more

10 Medications That Cause Memory Loss [Are You Taking Any Of These?]

multicolored medications that cause memory loss

Medications have side effects. Many drugs on the market today can impair memory, although you might not correlate your cognitive decline, and inability to remember, with your daily medication. In this post, I’ll be sharing information about several commonly-prescribed medications that cause memory loss. If you’re taking any of the … Read more

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage - Two Wine Glasses

Keeping your liver healthy is vitally important because it’s responsible for so many critical processes in the body. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. Unfortunately, you may not be aware that your liver function has declined until substantial damage has already occurred. Here are 5 tips to reduce alcohol induced … Read more

What Are The Hourly Benefits Of Fasting?

empty plates and cutlery

It’s an established fact that going without food is therapeutic. What you may not know is the hour-by-hour benefits of fasting. For instance, what are the hourly benefits of fasting for six hours, 16 hours, or 48 hours, in terms of its impact on blood sugar, insulin, liver glycogen, human … Read more

Is Tinea Versicolor Contagious? [Causes, Symptoms And Natural Remedies]

Is Tinea Versicolor Contagious - Tinea Versicolor Rash

What is Tinea Versicolor? It’s a mouthful to say. It’s also called Pityriasis Versicolor or Dermatomycosis Furfuracea, which is even harder to pronounce. In certain parts of South Asia, it’s referred to as Peter Elam’s Disease.  Tinea Versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin, resulting from naturally-occurring yeast that … Read more

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts [Lose Weight And Keep It Off]

blue running shoes and weights

Let’s first define what high intensity interval training workouts are and why they’re so beneficial for weight loss. Interval training is a type of exercise that alternates between intense exercise for short periods of time followed by a rest or recovery period. This type of exercise is extremely effective for … Read more

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage [Bounce Your Way To Wellness]

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage - Foot On Rebounder

Jumping on a trampoline is a blast, but did you know that bouncing on a rebounder can be therapeutic? Rebounding is a healing modality that can help the lymphatic system function optimally, and in turn, the immune system. A robust immune system is the body’s primary defense against disease and … Read more

5 Stretches To Improve Flexibility And Slow Down Aging

Stretches To Improve Flexibility - Women Stretching

Are you aging well? I know it’s a direct question, but it’s one we should all be asking ourselves, at least occasionally. Flexibility is one a the most significant measures of aging. How are you doing in this area? Try these 5 stretches to improve flexibility and slow down aging. … Read more

Benefits Of Ozone Sauna Therapy

Ozone Sauna Therapy - Sauna Brush

I’m a big believer in alternative cancer therapies. I love sweating in an infrared sauna, and using my ozone generator weekly. Put the two together, and you’ve got a fantastic way to improve health, eliminate toxins, and reduce stress. Let’s talk more about ozone sauna therapy, an amazing complementary oxidative … Read more

How Does Rife Frequency Therapy Target & Destroy Pathogenic Micro-Organisms?

How Does Rife Frequency Therapy Target & Destroy Pathogenic Micro-Organisms - Newspaper Clip

Can light heal? Do certain frequencies kill cancer cells? Royal Rife is the brilliant mind behind the invention of frequency generators. These generators treat cancer by destroying harmful micro-organisms using electrical force. Many complementary cancer therapies today use Rife frequency therapy in conjunction with other healing modalities. This type of … Read more

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy [For Chronic Disease]

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy - Lake After Rain

Ozone is a gas that increases the amount of oxygen in the body, and is increasing in popularity, especially in the alternative health world. Ozone exerts its therapeutic effect through the mechanism of oxidative stress. Read about the health benefits of ozone therapy for cancer, Lyme disease, autoimmunity, and AIDs. … Read more

10 Facts About Radon Gas And Lung Cancer

10 Facts About Radon Gas And Lung Cancer - Radon Periodic Table

It’s an established fact that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the US. What isn’t commonly known is that exposure to radon is the second leading cause of deaths attributed to lung cancer. In fact, it’s estimated that approximately 21,000 deaths annually are related to radon, which … Read more

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