How To Win A Woman’s Heart

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Women are all about the heart. Men… Would you like to know how to win a woman’s heart? If you want access into a woman’s world, you need to learn how her heart operates. She’ll give you the world if you do.

Narcissism is Soul Cannibalism

Narcissism is Soul Cannibalism - Distraught Woman By Skeleton

In last week’s post, I talked about how physical abuse IS psychological abuse without the obvious scars. Today, I want to talk about how narcissism, at its core, is soul cannibalism…. which is the slow, methodical, unwinding of a person’s mind and emotions. Essentially, narcissists murder another person’s soul. This … Read more

The Plague of Narcissism

The Plague of Narcissism - Masked Face with Zipper in the Middle

The plague of narcissism is pervasive in the earth today. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is an intractable, insidious, and dangerous disorder that is notoriously difficult to treat. Narcissists are malignant predators who prey on their victims in order to fuel their inflated, yet fragile, egos. They are cunning masters of … Read more

What Is A Freudian Slip?

What Is A Freudian Slip - Bird On Man's Mouth

What is a Freudian slip? Have you heard the term? The Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is essentially a slip of the tongue where someone unintentionally says something they didn’t mean to. Sigmund Freud described this phenomenon in his 1901 book titled: “The Psychopathology of Everyday Life.” Freud posited that … Read more

What Personality Types Are Narcissists Attracted To?

What Personality Types Are Narcissists Attracted To- Graphic With Three Red Hearts With Quote

What personality types are narcissists attracted to? Do they target individuals with specific qualities and traits? The answer is a resounding “YES!” Narcissists seek a certain type of person, one who will put up with their controlling, manipulative, and coercive behaviors, without making too much of a fuss. Which makes … Read more

Why Do Christians Take Communion?

 Why Do Christians Take Communion - Bread, Wine, and Scriptures

Why do Christians take communion and why is this invaluable gift not being used more in the body of Christ? In my opinion, many Christians associate communion with a ritual that is taken on Sunday in the company of other believers. While that is true, the breaking of bread can … Read more

The Dangers of Denial

The Dangers of Denial - The Word Denial

Denial, defensiveness, distortion, and dismissal are all part of the narcissistic framework. Denial serves a purpose, in the case of childhood abuse or neglect, as it provides protection against situations that are overwhelming to the child. In adulthood, however, denial leads to broken relationships, distortion, and a refusal to accept … Read more

What Is Traumatic Bonding?

What is Traumatic Bonding - White Frayed Rope

Trauma bonds are emotional bonds that form over time between a victim and their abuser. These invisible tethers are created, and cemented in place, from a recurring cycle of abuse. This cyclical abusive pattern is perpetuated, via a system of rewards and punishment, referred to as intermittent reinforcement. What is … Read more

Triggers and Trauma: What’s The Connection?

Triggers and Trauma - Woman Crying

Hey there, What is the relationship between emotional triggers and trauma? The first thing we must understand is that even after separating yourself from a stressful situation or person, you’re still going to get triggered. This is because emotions are stored in the body. They don’t just magically disappear once … Read more

5 Reasons Christians Should Be Saying Biblical Declarations Every Day

Biblical Declarations - Glasses and Candle On Open Bible

Biblical declarations, also called biblical confessions or proclamations, are a powerful form of prayer. What are biblical declarations? They are simply taking what God has said in the Bible and making a statement out of them in the first person.  This is how Bill Johnson, lead pastor at Bethel Church, explained … Read more

Object Constancy & Narcissistic Defense Mechanisms Explained

Object Constancy - Mother Hugging Son

Object constancy is a term taken from Psychodynamic Theory, which explains the ability of a healthy person to view another person in an integrated light as someone who possesses both good and bad qualities. It is the ability to view someone, whom you know and love, in a favorable manner … Read more

What Is An Existing Ideology Of Resentment?

An Existing Ideology Of Resentment - The Word "Guilty" in Red

Have you heard the term “an existing ideology of resentment?” You may not have heard the term, but if you’re living with a narcissist, you are most certainly living it. It goes something like this: If someone has already decided to hate you, NO MATTER what you say or do, … Read more

How Do We Come To An Understanding Of Suffering?

Understanding of Suffering - The Words Meaning of Life

How do we come to an understanding of suffering without defaulting to the trite response “This must be God’s will?” Below are a few thoughts I heard Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar, say about this weighty topic. When asked to what degree God is involved in suffering, Rohr answered that, … Read more

What Is The Difference Between A Narcissist & A Sociopath?

Between A Narcissist & A Sociopath - The Word "Emotions" On Board

What is the difference between a sociopath and a narcissist? The sinister coldness of sociopathy is thought to arise from congenital deficits in the area of the brain that houses emotional input, and one’s ability to interact in a normal way with others. Compare this anatomical abnormality to the lack … Read more

Will Living With A Narcissist Ever Get Easier?

Living With A Narcissist - Woman Sinking Underwater

I hear the following question a lot in my business: “Will living with a narcissist ever get easier?” The short and succinct answer is “No!” And not only will it not get better, it will undoubtedly, get worse. People with personality disorders are unstable, erratic, unpredictable, and incapable of regulating … Read more

Stop Wasting Your Time On People Who Aren’t Worth It

Stop Wasting Your Time - The Words Let Go

In today’s email, I’d like to share some powerful words by Anthony Hopkins where he makes the admonition to stop wasting your time on people who aren’t worth it. He goes on to say: ′′Let go of the people who are not prepared to love you. This is the hardest … Read more

Ending A Relationship Is NOT Easy

Ending A Relationship - Isaiah 30:21 Quote

Ending a relationship, and moving on with your life, is not easy. It takes a lot of courage and fortitude to move away from the familiar into uncharted territory. I’ve found that reframing helps… Instead of viewing the situation as losing something, think about it in terms of what you’ll … Read more

Spiritual Warfare 101 [What To Do When The Devil Attacks]

Spiritual Warfare 101 - Satan with Wings

The demonic realm is real. Even if many today don’t want to acknowledge that fact, or talk about it, the truth remains. This truth is clearly demonstrated throughout the Bible. In this post, about spiritual warfare 101, I’ll be listing the weapons of warfare talked about in Ephesians 6, and … Read more

Praise God For The Warriors In Our Lives

Praise God For The Warriors - Bee on Red Flower

I read this story today and wanted to share. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. Praise God for the warriors in our lives who help rescue us from the sticky messes life throws our way. “My dad has bees. Today I went to his house and … Read more

How Does God View Narcissism?

How Does God View Narcissism - Man Praying

How does God view narcissism? Can narcissists be forgiven if they don’t feel guilt? What is a seared conscience? Here’s my take on it: Narcissists feel guilt. Mine did. At least in the beginning. This was until he chose to suffocate his internal compass. The operative word here is “chose.” … Read more

How To Be HAPPY Alone On Valentine’s Day

How To Be Happy Alone On Valentine's Day - Roses and Black Diamonds

Valentine’s Day can be a tough day for many reasons. It can be unusually taxing if you’re dealing with a narcissist. Follow these tips on how to be happy alone on Valentine’s Day. If you’re in a toxic relationship, you’ve had to learn how to live in a minefield and … Read more

Freedom From Trauma & Abuse [How To Become Unbroken]

Freedom From Trauma - Woman With Tree Superimposed On Head

In today’s post, I’ll be talking about how to obtain freedom from trauma and abuse, how to be healed, set free and delivered from the wounds that have shattered your soul. In essence, you’ll learn how to become unbroken. Freedom From Trauma Trauma is the broader definition of what is … Read more

How To Communicate With A Man Who Doesn’t Hear You!

How To Communicate With A Man - Purple & Green Funhouse

How To Communicate With A Man Who Doesn’t Hear You! Have you ever wondered how to communicate with a man who doesn’t hear you? Here’s an explanation on why narcissists react in such an unreasonable manner. Narcissists react inappropriately because an event, a word, or a look was triggering in … Read more

Discerning The Jezebel Spirit

The Jezebel Spirit - Man With Mask Half On

Discerning The Jezebel Spirit The following is an except from an article by Reverend Marie Berbick of Touching Your World Ministries where she underscores the importance of discerning the Jezebel spirit and how to deal with it. “Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware of the most dangerous form of spiritual destruction, … Read more

Tender Warrior: When Men Get It Right Everybody Wins

Tender Warrior - Man In Silhouette Praying

Tender Warrior: When Men Get It Right Everybody Wins “When men get it right in their walk with God, everybody wins, and when men get it wrong everybody pays a price.” This quote is taken from Stu Weber’s beloved book “Tender Warrior: Every Man’s Purpose, Every Woman’s Dream, Every Child’s … Read more

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle - Woman By Lightening

Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle? Does God give us more than we can handle? I know we’ve heard that He doesn’t, but did you know that that sentiment is not actually biblical in the way most of us understand it. Just look at people who are … Read more

How To Deal With TOXIC People During The Holidays

How To Deal With Toxic People - Lighted Star With Snow

How To Deal With TOXIC People During The Holidays The holidays are a special time of year as we celebrate our Savior’s birth. Unfortunately, Christmas can be a mixed bag of emotions for many people as they deal with relationships that are less than healthy. I’m sure many of you … Read more

Necessary Endings & New Beginnings (My First Christmas Alone)

My First Christmas Alone - Sun Filtering Through Trees In The Woods

Necessary Endings & New Beginnings [My First Christmas Alone] It’s been a year… That’s the understatement if there ever was one. Last year marked the end of my marriage, and along with it, the end of an era. My divorce was finalized last April, I sold my house of 17 … Read more

What Is Soaking Prayer & Why You Should Make Time For It

What Is Soaking Prayer - More Soaking, Less Talking Graphic

What Is Soaking Prayer & Why You Should Make Time For It What is soaking prayer? Simply put, it’s setting aside time for intimacy with God, with the purpose of experiencing His manifested presence. You don’t have to worry about if you’re doing it right. There are no rules. Neither … Read more

What Drives Narcissistic Devaluation & Dismissal?

Narcissistic Devaluation - Sign That Says Time To Say Goodbye

What Drives Narcissistic Devaluation & Dismissal? Narcissists use psychological compensatory mechanisms to protect their fragile sense of self. They use these stances to compensate for something that is missing, namely, a core sense of self. Let’s unpack what drives narcissistic devaluation. Narcissists lack a core sense of self. Instead, they … Read more

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul]

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy - Beautiful Tub Against Brick Wall

Hydrogen Peroxide Bath Therapy [Healing For Body & Soul] Soaking in a tub with relaxing music and essentials oils is amazing for reducing stress hormones, for realigning perspective, and for rejuvenating both mentally and emotionally. However, you may as well bring out the big guns while you’re at it, and … Read more

Progress and Goals Are Soooo Much Better Than Feeling Stuck

Goals and Progress - Try Something New Quote

Progress and Goals Are Soooo Much Better Than Feeling Stuck I’m still basking in the relief of being divorced and out of my house. Relief is such a wonderful, life-giving emotion. I highly recommend it. However, to say I was utterly spent and exhausted for days after moving is an … Read more

Personality Disorders and Altered Perception

Altered Perception - Beautiful Eye With Flowers Around It

Personality Disorders and Altered Perception Here’s an interesting fact about Cluster B personality disorders and why the perceptions of people suffering with these disorders is so off kilter. Normal people depend on their eyes to give them feedback about the world around them. They see something and their brains process … Read more

What Does Betrayal Feel Like?

What Does Betrayal Feel Like - Hammer Raised Above An Egg

What Does Betrayal Feel Like? Betrayal hurts. It changes who you are. The way you look at yourself, others and the world is forever altered. What does betrayal feel like? A betrayal wound is an excruciating, overwhelming and unrelenting pain that takes a long time to heal. Betrayal is an … Read more

Moving on After Divorce

Moving on After Divorce - Knudson Home At Christmas Time

Moving on After Divorce Well, I’m officially out of my house and moving on after divorce. It was a grueling, 5-month process that I thought would never end. Two of the offers fell through as we were nearing the closing date. To say I was terrorized is an understatement. Having … Read more

Cold Hard Facts About Covert Abuse

Covert Abuse - Hand Coming Out Of Water That Says Help

Cold Hard Facts About Covert Abuse Here are some cold hard facts about covert abuse. This type of abuse flies under the radar, often getting swept under the rug as the dirty little family secret. The abuse happens in plain sight, while the abuser sits there with an evil smirk … Read more

3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused

Signs You're Being Manipulated - Woman in Sad Pose By Window

3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused Covert abuse can be subtle and not overtly apparent in many cases. Following are 3 not-so-obvious signs you’re being manipulated. This abuse can happen within a marriage, with siblings, parents or friends, in the workplace, and sadly, even in religious environments. Signs … Read more

3 Benefits of Turning Inward When Life is Tough

3 Benefits of Turning Inward When Life Is Tough - Woman At Lake

3 Benefits of Turning Inward When Life is Tough Here’s the thing about trials – they can teach us a lot about ourselves. Coming out of a long-term marriage, that turned extremely toxic the last 7 years, I took the time to turn inward and examine all areas of my … Read more

Are You Living With A Narcissist?

Are You Living With A Narcissist - Broken Heart With Words Game Over

Are You Living With A Narcissist? Many women are in marriages with narcissists but don’t realize it. Why is this? Is it possible to be in a relationship with someone who has a personality disorder and not know it. YES – this is because narcissistic abuse is subtle and covert, … Read more

Relationships and Health: 5 Ways Abuse Will Hijack Your Heart & Health

Relationships and Health - Woman Laying Head on Man's Shoulder

There is a direct correlation between the nature of our relationships and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Research into relationships and health has demonstrated repeatedly that supportive relationships can strengthen immunity, whereas toxic unions inhibit it. Loving connections are associated with longevity, quicker recovery from health challenges, a robust … Read more

Happiness And Health [Could This Be The Missing Link?]

Is There A Connection Between Happiness And Health - Woman in Ocean

Is happiness a missing component in your journey to health? You try so hard to do everything right . You eat a healthy diet, exercise, take your supplements, and get enough sleep –  but you’re still not where you want to be in regard to your health. Is there a … Read more

How To Become More Self Aware [Take The Self Awareness Quiz]

How To Become More Self Aware - The Words "Self Awareness"

Self-awareness is the capacity to examine and sit with your own thoughts and feelings, to see yourself as a unique individual separate from your surroundings. Introspection, self-reflection, and observation are all components of self-awareness. This ability to see yourself plays into your health and well-being. Keep reading to learn how … Read more

How To Believe In Yourself Again After Failure Knocked You Down

How To Believe In Yourself Again - Hands Holding Hearts

Life is tough. The inevitable twists and turns, adversities and challenges can sometimes be too much. It’s easy to second guess yourself and your abilities. If you’ve been hit particularly hard with a recent failure or devastation, your self-concept may have taken what seems to be a fatal blow. Your … Read more

5 Ways To Make Self-Care A Priority & UPGRADE Your Life

5 Ways to Make Self Care a Priority - Woman on Hammock

Is self-care on your radar or are you in survival mode? Many of us today can barely find the time to pay the bills and feed the kids, let alone take time to nourish ourselves both physically and emotionally. When did we get so busy and frazzled that our own … Read more

20 Reasons To Forgive Someone That Has Hurt You

Reasons To Forgive Someone - Outstretched Hands

Forgiveness isn’t easy, it can even feel downright impossible. What you may not know is that forgiving someone that has hurt you deeply is the best way to heal a broken heart. It’s also essential for your health. I know it seems counter intuitive, but it’s true. Here are 20 … Read more

5 Ways A Cancer Coach Can Support Someone With Cancer

the word "coaching" in red

A cancer coach is someone who walks alongside a person with cancer to support and advocate for them every step of the way on their healing journey, from formulating therapeutic protocols, to setting reasonable goals, to being a listening ear. Support is given in a variety of areas, including nutritional … Read more

How To Comfort Someone Who’s Grieving

couple cuddling on boat dock

You have a friend who’s mother just died. You want to support her, be there for her, but it’s a little awkward, and you’re not sure what to say. “I’m sorry” seems so inadequate. I get it. I’ve been there. In this post I am going to share some wisdom … Read more

7 Ways To Self Soothe When You’re Hurting

7 Ways To Self Soothe When You're Hurting - Beautiful Bathroom

Do you know how to regulate your emotions? This may seem like a dumb question, but it’s important to be able to control your emotions, especially in stressful situations. Self-soothing is the ability to regulate your emotions, and remain relatively calm in situations when you’re hurt, upset, or injured. The … Read more

How To Heal A Broken Heart & Set Yourself FREE! [20 Tips]

How To Heal Your Broken Heart - Key With The Word Forgiveness

Forgiveness. It’s a big topic, and one most of us don’t talk about. We’d rather keep our anger. This has been me at times. Did you know that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself because it has more to do with you than the person you’re forgiving.  Releasing negative … Read more

What Is A Wake Up Call? [It Can Change Your Life]

What Is A Wake Up Call - Beautiful Sunset

No, I don’t mean a morning wake up call. I mean waking up from the stupor that has become your life. A call to crowd out the complacency and mediocrity that has gradually consumed you. A return to self. Perhaps it’s time for an entirely different path, a new direction, … Read more

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