Coffee And Metabolism [Are You A FAST or SLOW Metabolizer?]

Coffee And Metabolism - Cup of Coffee

There are two camps of coffee consumers – slow metabolizers and fast metabolizers. The rate at which you metabolize caffeine is a determining factor in your reaction towards coffee. Are you energized and euphoric after drinking a cup or do you feel wired and tired? In this post, I’ll be … Read more

What Are Mycotoxins and Why You Should Care?


What are mycotoxins? They’re toxic compounds created by fungus that have the potential to cause dysfunction in the body, including immune deficiencies and cancer. These toxins grow on common food sources, such as grains, coffee beans, and dried fruit.  In this post, I’ll be sharing facts about mycotoxins, and what … Read more

TOXIC: Heal Your Body | Book Review

Toxic: Heal Your Body Book Review - Graphic

I’ve recently read an amazingly informative book that I’d like to share with you today. It’s called “Toxic – Heal your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness by Neil Nathan, MD. This book is jam-packed with information from a doctor that has unique … Read more

The Health Benefits Of B Vitamins

The Health Benefits Of B Vitamin - B Vitamins

B vitamins are critical for energy production, restful sleep, stress reduction, cognitive performance, and for proper functioning of the nervous system. If you’re running low on energy, have anxiety or depression, don’t sleep well, or have sluggish brain function, taking a high-quality vitamin B supplement may be your best bet … Read more

Is 5G More Dangerous Than 4G?

Is 5G More Dangerous Than 4G - 5G Icons

How will 5G, the newest global wireless technology, impact human health? It’s a good question, and one we should all be highly invested in because any technological advances that have the potential to damage health, also have the ability to significantly reduce quality of life. Is 5G more dangerous than … Read more

What Are The Hourly Benefits Of Fasting?

empty plates and cutlery

It’s an established fact that going without food is therapeutic. What you may not know is the hour-by-hour benefits of fasting. For instance, what are the hourly benefits of fasting for six hours, 16 hours, or 48 hours, in terms of its impact on blood sugar, insulin, liver glycogen, human … Read more

How To Eat More Greens Even If You Don’t Like Them

green juice

I have a confession to make. I don’t love vegetables. How about you? Do you find it difficult to eat enough leafy greens? Here are some tips on how to eat more greens even if you don’t like them! We all know we should be eating more greens. We’ve heard … Read more

Are High Ammonia Levels Making Your Brain Tired?

High Ammonia Levels - The Word Ammonia

Are high ammonia levels making your brain tired?  Excess ammonia, or hyperammonemia, can be the cause of neurological and metabolic disorders.  Why do these levels rise and what can you do about it?  What Is Ammonia? Ammonia is a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor. It is a compound … Read more

Facts About Magnesium You May Not Know

Facts About Magnesium - Beautiful Food

Magnesium is hands down my favorite mineral. Without it, the body can’t make energy, muscles don’t relax, and calcium builds up, leading to a host of unwanted symptoms and imbalances. You will have symptoms if you’re deficient in this vital mineral. However, you probably won’t correlate your achy legs, fatigue, … Read more

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