Trauma and Brain Function [3 Ways Abuse Damages The Brain]

Trauma and Brain Function - Picture of Human Brain

Trauma and Brain Function [3 Ways Abuse Damages The Brain] Have you ever wondered how PTSD, phobias, obsessions, hyper-vigilance, pervasive trust issues, addictions, and eating disorders develop? You’ll better understand how these conditions arise by recognizing the connection between trauma and brain function. Here are 3 ways chronic abuse can … Read more

Personality Disorders and Altered Perception

Altered Perception - Beautiful Eye With Flowers Around It

Personality Disorders and Altered Perception Here’s an interesting fact about Cluster B personality disorders and why the perceptions of people suffering with these disorders is so off kilter. Normal people depend on their eyes to give them feedback about the world around them. They see something and their brains process … Read more

What Does Betrayal Feel Like?

What Does Betrayal Feel Like - Hammer Raised Above An Egg

What Does Betrayal Feel Like? Betrayal hurts. It changes who you are. The way you look at yourself, others and the world is forever altered. What does betrayal feel like? A betrayal wound is an excruciating, overwhelming and unrelenting pain that takes a long time to heal. Betrayal is an … Read more

3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused

Signs You're Being Manipulated - Woman in Sad Pose By Window

3 Subtle Signs You’re Being Manipulated & Abused Covert abuse can be subtle and not overtly apparent in many cases. Following are 3 not-so-obvious signs you’re being manipulated. This abuse can happen within a marriage, with siblings, parents or friends, in the workplace, and sadly, even in religious environments. Signs … Read more

Why The Ketogenic Diet For Dummies WORKS & Works FAST!

Keto for Dummies - Keto Salad

Everybody’s talking about the Ketogenic diet and with good reason. It’s no secret that obesity and inflammatory diseases have reached epidemic proportions. In this post, I’ll try and simplify (hence the name, “The Ketogenic Diet for Dummies”) the ins and outs of why this way of eating is beneficial, the … Read more

Relationships and Health: 5 Ways Abuse Will Hijack Your Heart & Health

Relationships and Health - Woman Laying Head on Man's Shoulder

There is a direct correlation between the nature of our relationships and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Research into relationships and health has demonstrated repeatedly that supportive relationships can strengthen immunity, whereas toxic unions inhibit it. Loving connections are associated with longevity, quicker recovery from health challenges, a robust … Read more

What Is The Insulin Index? [A Tool For Permanent Weight Loss]

What Is The Insulin Index - Glucometer

Who isn’t looking to drop a few pounds? We all want to be leaner and look better in our clothes. There’s good news – the insulin index is a great tool to help you achieve your ideal weight. Learn how it differs from the glycemic index, and how to use … Read more

5 Ways To Make Self-Care A Priority & UPGRADE Your Life

5 Ways to Make Self Care a Priority - Woman on Hammock

Is self-care on your radar or are you in survival mode? Many of us today can barely find the time to pay the bills and feed the kids, let alone take time to nourish ourselves both physically and emotionally. When did we get so busy and frazzled that our own … Read more

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy & Why You Should Care!

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - Graphic

Energizing and activating your body’s own healing mechanisms is critical if you want to heal from chronic disease.  Electromagnetic field therapy isn’t new, and has been used from the advent of electricity. In fact, in the 1800s Nikola Tesla discovered that electrical currents could be passed through the body without … Read more

7 Warning Signs Of Insulin Resistance You Shouldn’t Ignore

signs of insulin resistance - man using glucometer

Did you know you can have insulin resistance and not know it? The tissues in your body become resistant to insulin gradually without you being aware of it. That’s why it’s important to know the warning signs of insulin resistance, a condition of chronic inflammation and high blood sugar, and … Read more

10 Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 

Empowering Women With Breast Cancer - Oxygen Icon

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, has been used for several decades to heal chronic wounds, accelerate healing, and stimulate the immune system by increasing oxygen levels in the body. Recent studies are finding that HBOT has a favorable impact on cancer as well. Check out these 10 benefits of hyperbaric … Read more

What Are The Symptoms Of Adult ADHD? [A Very Disorderly Disorder]

sad woman in woods

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a complex neurocognitive disorder. Symptoms are multi-faceted and exclusive to each person challenged by this condition. Not every person has every characteristic or symptom that will be detailed in this post. The way in which ADHD manifests is as unique as a fingerprint. Although a … Read more

How To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind [3 Techniques]

3 Techniques To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind - Woman In Purple Spiral

Did you know you have two minds – a conscious mind and a subconscious mind? We all know what the conscious mind is, but what is the subconscious mind? Beneath your critical thought processes and conscious awareness lies a commanding and awe-inspiring data bank of everything you’ve ever thought, felt, … Read more

What Are The 7 Stages Of Alzheimer’s Disease?

What Are The 7 Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease - Magnifying Glass

Referred to as “the long good-bye,” Alzheimer’s is one of the most feared diseases, and rightly so. It cruelly robs its victims of their mind and memories. It’s grossly misunderstood, costing millions of dollars each year in medical costs, lost wages and long-term care costs. What are the 7 stages … Read more

5 Ways Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

cannabis leaves

Cannabis is a controversial plant. Also known as marijuana, it is used both recreationally and medically. Recent studies are discovering the undeniable therapeutic effects of cannabis on the human body. This is because we have an endocannabinoid system with receptors for cannabinoids, the chemical compounds found in cannabis. Cannabis is … Read more

7 Symptoms and Signs of Estrogen Dominance

the word "Hormones" and "Estrogen"

If you’ve struggled with infertility, endometriosis, allergies, autoimmunity, or PMS, you know how powerful hormones are. Any woman who’s gone through menopause can explain in graphic detail the symptoms of having too little estrogen, with it’s unique array of miserable symptoms.]Protect your health by familiarizing yourself with these 7 signs … Read more

What Are The Hourly Benefits Of Fasting?

empty plates and cutlery

It’s an established fact that going without food is therapeutic. What you may not know is the hour-by-hour benefits of fasting. For instance, what are the hourly benefits of fasting for six hours, 16 hours, or 48 hours, in terms of its impact on blood sugar, insulin, liver glycogen, human … Read more

Escape From The Pain [What Is Addiction?]

chains and padlock on fence

Why would any reasonable person willingly devastate their health, destroy their finances, completely obliterate their reputation, burn their bridges with family and friends, and annihilate their dreams of a productive future. It’s a baffling and difficult concept to wrap your head around. It makes no sense, whatsoever, until you understand … Read more

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts [Lose Weight And Keep It Off]

blue running shoes and weights

Let’s first define what high intensity interval training workouts are and why they’re so beneficial for weight loss. Interval training is a type of exercise that alternates between intense exercise for short periods of time followed by a rest or recovery period. This type of exercise is extremely effective for … Read more

What Is Decision Fatigue? 5 Tips To Lessen The Load

What Is Decision Fatigue - Green And Red Signs That Say Choice

We’ve all been there. The endless decisions we’re confronted with every day is nothing short of astounding. It wouldn’t be so awful if our choices were between black and white. The reality, however, is we’re forced to make decisions involving many shades of gray, making it increasingly difficult to decide … Read more

Are High Ammonia Levels Making Your Brain Tired?

High Ammonia Levels - The Word Ammonia

Are high ammonia levels making your brain tired?  Excess ammonia, or hyperammonemia, can be the cause of neurological and metabolic disorders.  Why do these levels rise and what can you do about it?  What Is Ammonia? Ammonia is a colorless gas with a characteristic pungent odor. It is a compound … Read more

What Are The 3 Stages Of Lyme Disease [Tips To Strengthen Immunity]

yellow street sign with tick on it

Lyme disease progresses in 3 stages, with symptoms ranging from mild to debilitating, if left untreated. Knowing the symptoms and getting an early diagnosis is critical. What are the 3 stages of Lyme disease? What Is Lyme Disease? Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne disease, and is caused by … Read more

5 Characteristics Of A Narcissist: The Ugly Truth EXPOSED!

5 Characteristics Of A Narcissist: The Ugly Truth - Man Kissing Himself in Mirror

I’ll bet you’ve heard the word “narcissist” used many times, and in a variety of settings. A narcissist is dripping with entitlement, self-absorption, and conceit. While narcissism does include those traits, it’s much more complicated. I’d like to paint a detailed picture of what narcissism looks like in the real … Read more

Facts About Magnesium You May Not Know

Facts About Magnesium - Beautiful Food

Magnesium is hands down my favorite mineral. Without it, the body can’t make energy, muscles don’t relax, and calcium builds up, leading to a host of unwanted symptoms and imbalances. You will have symptoms if you’re deficient in this vital mineral. However, you probably won’t correlate your achy legs, fatigue, … Read more

How To Burn Fat Naturally By Activating These Hormones

How To Burn Fat Naturally - Scale And Measuring Tape

Hormones are powerful. We feel really good when they are balanced, and pretty terrible when they’re not. Hormones not only influence metabolism, but are key factors affecting mood, well-being, and energy levels. Are you doing everything right, but the scale won’t budge? Hormonal imbalances may be the underlying cause. Empower … Read more

5 Acupressure Points For Migraines and Neck Pain

woman with head in her hands

Both our physical and mental health can be affected by today’s fast-paced lifestyles. Hectic schedules, poor eating habits, and sleep deficiency can impact the brain’s capacity to effectively deal with stress. This scenario can trigger migraines in vulnerable people, which can make completing daily chores and activities extremely difficult. Check … Read more

Is A Concussion A Traumatic Brain Injury?

Is A Concussion A Traumatic Brain Injury? - Hockey Players

Are concussions the new silent epidemic? The National Institutes of Health states that there are four million sports-related and recreational concussions annually, and that’s not factoring in car crashes and falls, which would increase that number exponentially. The good news is most concussions are mild, with the majority of people … Read more

10 Ways To Use CBD Oil For Chronic Illness, Inflammation & Pain

What Can CBD Oil Be Used For - Cannabis

Cannabis is a controversial subject. There’s a lot of debate about whether it should be legalized in certain states. That’s a topic for another day. However, CBD oil is legal and widely available online because it doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive component of the plant. Here are 10 ways to … Read more

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy [For Chronic Disease]

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy - Lake After Rain

Ozone is a gas that increases the amount of oxygen in the body, and is increasing in popularity, especially in the alternative health world. Ozone exerts its therapeutic effect through the mechanism of oxidative stress. Read about the health benefits of ozone therapy for cancer, Lyme disease, autoimmunity, and AIDs. … Read more

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Stroke?

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Stroke - Graphic

Strokes can be devastating. They’re one of the top five causes of death in the United States and the number one cause of long-term disability. What are the warning signs of a stroke? Familiarizing yourself with these signs could save your life or that of a loved one. FAST is … Read more

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