Why The Ketogenic Diet For Dummies WORKS & Works FAST!

Keto for Dummies - Keto Salad

Everybody’s talking about the Ketogenic diet and with good reason. It’s no secret that obesity and inflammatory diseases have reached epidemic proportions. In this post, I’ll try and simplify (hence the name, “The Ketogenic Diet for Dummies”) the ins and outs of why this way of eating is beneficial, the … Read more

What Is The Insulin Index? [A Tool For Permanent Weight Loss]

What Is The Insulin Index - Glucometer

Who isn’t looking to drop a few pounds? We all want to be leaner and look better in our clothes. There’s good news – the insulin index is a great tool to help you achieve your ideal weight. Learn how it differs from the glycemic index, and how to use … Read more

The AMAZING & Versatile Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms

Versatile Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms - Mushrooms in Forest

Mushrooms grow from the mycelium, or vegetative portion, of fungi. These magical fungi regenerate growth, decompose malignancies, and have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-tumor properties. Keep reading to learn about the many health benefits of medicinal mushrooms. This article will highlight 5 types of mushrooms. Disclaimer: “This post contains affiliate links. … Read more

What Do Amygdalin, Laetrile, B17 & Raw Apricot Seeds Have In Common?

What Do Amygdalin, Laetrile, B17 and Raw Apricot Seeds Have In Common - Apricots in Bowl

Amygdalin, laetrile, B17, and raw apricot seeds – what’s the difference? Are they the same? Laetrile has been used holistically for cancer since the 1950s. Does it cure cancer? No, but it does fight the disease by targeting malignant cells. It also fortifies the immune system, which is an essential … Read more

How Whole Body Hyperthermia BOOSTS Immune Function

Whole Body Hyperthermia - The Words "Heat Therapy" With Checkmark Box

Additionally, the therapy exploits the fact that cancer cells are more sensitive to heat than are normal cells, due to deficits in cooling.   What Is Whole Body Hyperthermia? Hyperthermia is a type of heat therapy that exposes tissues in the body to high temperatures, not exceeding 113° Fahrenheit. This is … Read more

The 5 Types of Immunotherapies [An Innovative Approach To Enhanced Immunity]

The 5 Types of Immunotherapies - Immunotherapy Book

Immunotherapy harnesses the body’s innate immunity to attack disease. The therapy is becoming more mainstream in regard to cancer, and is continually improving as more research is being conducted. Optimizing immune function is pivotal to preventing and eradicating cancer and other diseases. Here are some facts about the 5 types … Read more

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy & Why You Should Care!

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - Graphic

Energizing and activating your body’s own healing mechanisms is critical if you want to heal from chronic disease.  Electromagnetic field therapy isn’t new, and has been used from the advent of electricity. In fact, in the 1800s Nikola Tesla discovered that electrical currents could be passed through the body without … Read more

Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy [The Magical Endorphin Booster]

Low Does Naltrexone Therapy - White Pills

Naltrexone is an FDA-approved drug to treat heroin and opiate addiction. Used off-label and in low doses, it’s now being used to treat a variety of conditions, including multiple sclerosis, AIDs, Alzheimer’s, and Crohn’s disease. Low dose naltrexone therapy is also used for cancer. What Is Naltrexone? Naltrexone is a … Read more

The Benefits of Melatonin for Chronic Disease

The Benefits of Melatonin - Woman Sleeping

Deep, restful sleep is essential for a healthy immune system. It’s a foundational pillar of health, and is just as important as eating well and exercising. Sleep is absolutely vital for hormonal balance, keeping inflammation in check, and reducing stress levels. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Not … Read more

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System Review

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System

The Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System is ideal for neutralizing odors, sanitizing food, destroying bacteria on the skin and household surfaces, bathing pets, hand washing, and fighting mildew. Ozone is a powerful way to neutralize harmful substances on the body and in the environment. You can do … Read more

The Benefits Of Essiac Tea

tea with mint sprig

Anyone familiar with holistic cancer therapies knows the popularity of Essiac tea, particularly for newly diagnosed patients. Promoted in the 1920s by a Canadian nurse, Rene Caisse, the tea is comprised of four main ingredients. In fact, Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards. Keep reading to discover the benefits of Essiac … Read more

Cannabis and Cancer [An Important Component Of A Holistic Protocol]

Cannabis and Cancer - Cannabis Leaves

Check out these 5 reasons to consider using cannabis as part of your cancer-fighting protocol. The cannabinoids in cannabis impact processes in the body that either inhibit cancer or enable its spread. Cannabis and Cancer 1. Apoptosis: This is a protective mechanism in which rogue or diseased cells are destroyed, … Read more

How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts From Home

How To Grow Broccoli Sprouts From Home - Salad With Sprouts

Why would you want to sprout broccoli seeds if you have breast cancer? It has to do with a powerful compound called sulforaphane, and a natural protective process in the body called apoptosis. Keep reading to learn how to grow broccoli sprouts from home. Why Broccoli Sprouts Sulforaphane is found … Read more

3 Reasons To Use Turkey Tail Mushrooms For Breast Cancer

turkey tail mushrooms for cancer graphic

How can a type of fungus that grows abundantly on dead logs and trees be medicinal for health? The Chinese have understood the value of mushrooms for centuries. These shriveled, spongy-looking things are loaded with hundreds of therapeutic constituents that reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, and combat pathogenic organisms. … Read more

10 Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy 

Empowering Women With Breast Cancer - Oxygen Icon

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT, has been used for several decades to heal chronic wounds, accelerate healing, and stimulate the immune system by increasing oxygen levels in the body. Recent studies are finding that HBOT has a favorable impact on cancer as well. Check out these 10 benefits of hyperbaric … Read more

The IvyGene Test For Early Cancer Detection

ivygene test graphic with test tubes

It is absolutely vital to detect cancer in its early stages to increase survival rates. The IvyGene test is an accurate biomarker used to confirm multiple cancers early on in their development before they’ve had a chance to spread. The test combines both specificity, along with high-sensitivity, via a simple … Read more

The Health Benefits Of Curcumin

The Health Benefits Of Curcumin - Curcumin In Spoons

The goal of a holistic cancer coaching program is to fortify the immune system to prevent cancer, while dealing with existing malignancies. The reason cancer is able to develop in the first place is due to the body’s inability to destroy malignant cells faster than they’re created. There are many … Read more

What Is The mTOR Pathway?

What Is The mTOR Pathway - Double Helix

What is the mTOR pathway? The mTOR pathway, or mechanistic target of rapamycin, is a protein kinase that plays a vital role in mammalian physiology by regulating energy and immunity, protein synthesis, and metabolism. Activation of this pathway has been found to promote tumor growth and metastasis, whereas an inhibition … Read more

Berberine And Blood Sugar [Reduce Glucose Levels WITHOUT Side Effects]

Blood Sugar And Berberine - Oregon Grapes

Obesity is epidemic in today’s society and is a significant public health threat. You don’t have to look far to see the effects of our high-sugar diets and sedentary lifestyles. Keeping blood sugar balanced is key to preventing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, and cancer. Prevention is always the best course. … Read more

The Best Cancer Fighting Supplements

supplements in different colors and shapes

Narrowing down your supplement choices can be confusing to say the least. Not only are there thousands of supplement types, there are hundreds of brands you’ll also need to navigate. Once you’ve landed on a specific supplement and brand, you’ll then have to decide whether to buy capsules, tinctures, or … Read more

Signs And Symptoms Of Ewing’s Sarcoma

Signs And Symptoms Of Ewing's Sarcoma - Picture Of Bones

Ewing’s sarcoma is an aggressive type of bone and soft tissue cancer that primarily affects children and teenagers. The prognosis is good if the cancer is caught in the early stages before it’s spread. Fortunately, this type of cancer is rare, occurring in approximately one out of every million people … Read more

Insulin Potentiation Therapy [A Gentler Approach To Chemotherapy]

girl with IV in arm

Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is an intravenous holistic cancer therapy that uses insulin to enhance the efficacy of low-dose chemotherapy. IPT is much gentler than conventional chemotherapy, and doesn’t come with the horrific side effects patients typically have to endure. The History Of Insulin Potentiation Therapy Dr. Steven Ayre is … Read more

What Are The Early Warning Signs Of Lung Cancer?

lit cigarette in person's hand

In the United States, lung cancer claims more lives than does prostate, ovarian, colon, and breast cancers combined. Worldwide, it’s the leading cause of all cancer deaths, for both men and women. The disease can be treated if caught in the early stages. Protect yourself and your family by being … Read more

5 Ways A Cancer Coach Can Support Someone With Cancer

the word "coaching" in red

A cancer coach is someone who walks alongside a person with cancer to support and advocate for them every step of the way on their healing journey, from formulating therapeutic protocols, to setting reasonable goals, to being a listening ear. Support is given in a variety of areas, including nutritional … Read more

Fasting And The Immune System | What’s The Connection?

glass of water

The word “fasting” triggers panic. We all love food – giving it up is NOT a pleasant thought. However, receiving a cancer diagnosis might change your mind when it comes to fasting. Intermittent fasting, a form of fasting that implements time restrictions on when you eat, is a hot topic … Read more

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer

The Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer - Oranges

Receiving a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Time stands still while your head spins with all the decisions that need to be made – there are so many options to consider. Emotions run high and fear of the unknown is palpable. These feelings are normal, for both the person with cancer … Read more

10 Ways To Prevent Skin Cancer And Reduce Your Risk

10 Skin Cancer Prevention Tips - Woman In Broad Brimmed Hat

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the United States, with 1 million people being diagnosed annually. Melanoma is the most aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer, but fortunately, it’s also the rarest. In the majority of cases, skin cancer is not life-threatening. Early diagnosis … Read more

How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen

How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen - Bowl Of Fruit

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that combats free-radical damage, powers the adrenal glands, regenerates tissues, and promotes a healthy circulatory system. It you have any type of disease, it’s a great supplement to support the immune system.  In this post, I’ll teach you how to make liposomal vitamin C … Read more

Omega Masticating Juicer Review [NC900HDC Juicer Extractor & Nutrition Center]

Omega Masticating Juicer Review - Omega NC900HDC Juicer

Juicing is one of the best ways to consume fresh produce, and flood your body with vitamin and mineral-rich micronutrients. Those who juice will attest to the life-giving benefits they’ve achieved through this therapeutic practice. You’re in the right spot if you’ve been considering buying a juicer, but are confused … Read more

5 Benefits Of Fermented Turmeric

Benefits Of Fermented Turmeric - Graphic

Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is a perennial herb and member of the ginger family. Curcumin is the primary active constituent in the spice turmeric, and has been a highly-touted supplement used for pain and inflammation. Fermented foods have been in the forefront due to their incredible benefits on digestion and … Read more

DMSO Potentiation Therapy – A Holistic Therapy For Cancer

DMSO Potentiation Therapy - DMSO Chart

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a natural substance derived from trees It’s used to relieve painful conditions, such as arthritis, bladder inflammation, and joint pain. DMSO Potentiation Therapy is used as a holistic therapy for cancer to enhance the effects of chemotherapy, enabling significantly lower doses to be used. What Is Dimethyl … Read more

5 Ways Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

cannabis leaves

Cannabis is a controversial plant. Also known as marijuana, it is used both recreationally and medically. Recent studies are discovering the undeniable therapeutic effects of cannabis on the human body. This is because we have an endocannabinoid system with receptors for cannabinoids, the chemical compounds found in cannabis. Cannabis is … Read more

Easy Essiac Tea Recipe

essiac tea recipe graphic

Essiac tea is a nourishing, soothing, and detoxifying elixir that is widely used as a holistic cancer therapy. The ancient recipe was made by the Ojibwe Native American tribe, and is often referred to as the “Tea of Life.” Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, helped scores of people heal from … Read more

The Benefits Of EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy)

The Benefits Of EWOT - Girl On Bike With Oxygen Mask

Exercise is a non-negotiable if you want good health. What if you could exponentially enhance the benefits you’re already getting from your exercise routine?  Oxygen is without a doubt our most essential nutrient. If you don’t believe me, hold your breath for a minute. You can survive without food for … Read more

Turpentine – A Complementary Therapy For Cancer And Other Diseases

picture of pine tree

Most people associate turpentine with paint because it’s used as a solvent and paint thinner, but what you may not know is that it’s been used as a healing remedy for centuries. Pure gum turpentine, or pine tree oil, comes from distilled pine tree sap or resin, and is used … Read more

Benefits Of Ozone Sauna Therapy

Ozone Sauna Therapy - Sauna Brush

I’m a big believer in alternative cancer therapies. I love sweating in an infrared sauna, and using my ozone generator weekly. Put the two together, and you’ve got a fantastic way to improve health, eliminate toxins, and reduce stress. Let’s talk more about ozone sauna therapy, an amazing complementary oxidative … Read more

How To Use Mimosa Pudica For Parasites

How To Use Mimosa Pudica For Parasites - Mimosa Pudica Plant

Does the thought of having parasites make you cringe? That’s the reaction most of us have when presented with this uncomfortable subject. Unfortunately, parasites are more common than you think. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 1/3rd of Americans are infected. In this post, you’ll learn how to use … Read more

10 Ways To Use CBD Oil For Chronic Illness, Inflammation & Pain

What Can CBD Oil Be Used For - Cannabis

Cannabis is a controversial subject. There’s a lot of debate about whether it should be legalized in certain states. That’s a topic for another day. However, CBD oil is legal and widely available online because it doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive component of the plant. Here are 10 ways to … Read more

How Does Rife Frequency Therapy Target & Destroy Pathogenic Micro-Organisms?

How Does Rife Frequency Therapy Target & Destroy Pathogenic Micro-Organisms - Newspaper Clip

Can light heal? Do certain frequencies kill cancer cells? Royal Rife is the brilliant mind behind the invention of frequency generators. These generators treat cancer by destroying harmful micro-organisms using electrical force. Many complementary cancer therapies today use Rife frequency therapy in conjunction with other healing modalities. This type of … Read more

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy [For Chronic Disease]

The Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy - Lake After Rain

Ozone is a gas that increases the amount of oxygen in the body, and is increasing in popularity, especially in the alternative health world. Ozone exerts its therapeutic effect through the mechanism of oxidative stress. Read about the health benefits of ozone therapy for cancer, Lyme disease, autoimmunity, and AIDs. … Read more

High Dose Enzyme Therapy For Cancer

High Dose Enzyme Therapy For Cancer - Enyzmes

When you hear the word “enzyme,” you most likely associate it with digestion, but you may not realize that proteolytic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer. Enzymes act as catalysts for the many chemical reactions that take place in the body, and are essential for building, maintenance and … Read more

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