How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that combats free-radical damage, powers the adrenal glands, regenerates tissues, and promotes a healthy circulatory system. It you have any type of disease, it’s a great supplement to support the immune system.  In this post, I’ll teach you how to make liposomal vitamin C in your own kitchen using this superior delivery method, which is far more effective than taking just ascorbic acid.

How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen - Bowl Of FruitInterestingly, humans are one of the few mammals whose bodies can’t produce vitamin C.  This critical nutrient must be obtained either from food or supplementation, and since vitamin C is water-soluble, the body needs a constant supply of it because it can’t be stored like fat-soluble vitamins.

Benefits Of Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal technology was developed by the pharmaceutical industry to allow prescription drugs to pass through stomach acid intact. After passing through the stomach, medications go into the bloodstream, and then directly through the cell membrane into the cell.

This is possible because the structure of a liposome, basically a bubble of fat, is made of the same components as the cell wall. This similarity in structure allows nutrients or medications to essentially slide through the cell membrane, guaranteeing that the person receives the full dose of the prescribed medication.

Because vitamin C is water-soluble, it can easily be destroyed by stomach acid when taken orally. The absorption rate in the bloodstream is only about 20%, with the remaining 80% concentrating in the colon. This is the reason high-dose vitamin C causes diarrhea.

The fact that cell membranes are made of fat and vitamin C is water-soluble, getting it into the cell is not an efficient process. The liposomal delivery method, however, not only protects the vitamin C molecule while passing through the stomach, it also allows it to effectively slip through the cell membrane where it can exert its effect on the cell.

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Liposomal Encapsulation Delivery Method

Not only does the liposomal encapsulation delivery method enable high doses of vitamin C to be taken, the absorption rate is also significantly better, rivaling intravenous vitamin C therapy, with some experts saying it is even more effective. IV vitamin C drips can be prohibitive in terms of cost and convenience as they must be performed by a doctor or nurse, and are time-consuming, since they have to be administered very slowly in order to protect the veins.

IV vitamin C acts as a pro-oxidant that produces hydrogen peroxide, which is beneficial for targeting cancer cells. Unlike chemotherapy, it doesn’t harm normal cells, making it a powerful alternative cancer therapy. On the other hand, liposomal oral vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and electron donor, helping to reduce the oxidative stress caused by infections and free radicals.

This is significant because most illnesses are caused by oxidative stress, underscoring the importance of vitamin C, which is also crucial in preventing and eradicating infections, particularly viruses. Used in conjunction with ozone, the two are a dynamic prescription against disease.

Vitamin C is vital for a robust immune system and healthy adrenal function. In fact, the adrenal glands, which produce hormones, including cortisol, hold the highest concentration of vitamin C in the body. Too much cortisol is released if the concentration of vitamin C is low in the adrenals, initiating a cascade of negative effects.
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How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C

1. 3 Tablespoons sunflower lecithin powder dissolved in 1 cup of just-below boiling filtered water.

2. 2 Tablespoons Rosehip powder dissolved in 1/2 cup of just-below boiling filtered water.

(I buy whole or seedless cut and sifted rosehips and grind into a powder in my blender).

Rosehips are the fruit of rose plants that form late in the season after the roses have been pollinated. They are extremely nutrient-dense.

3. Blend the two solutions together in a blender for a few seconds.

4. Pour the solution in an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner for 20 minutes, stirring often.

Ultrasonic technology uses high-frequency sound waves to make the mixture liposomal.

5. Pour into a glass jar and refrigerate.

I typically mix the lecithin and Rosehip powders in water at night, and leave them both in the fridge until the next day.  Then I’ll blend them together before putting in the jewelry cleaner.

The dosage is two tablespoons, or one ounce, per day. The best time to take liposomal Vitamin C is in the morning on an empty stomach. Take several times throughout the day if you are treating an acute condition. If you are anemic, take with meals to aid in iron absorption.

Is It Worth Taking The Time To Make Liposomal Vitamin C?

For me it’s worth the small amount of time it takes to make liposomal vitamin C. I notice a difference in my energy levels, it helps prevent colds and flus, and helps me fall asleep at night and stay asleep. Vitamin C is also amazing at reducing histamine if you have allergies.

If that weren’t enough, it’s also a fantastic vitamin for skin health because it promotes the production of collagen. I take more when I’m under stress, am anxious, or have eaten poorly, which causes my body to metabolize it more rapidly. I know it has definitely improved my adrenal function.

Liposomal C is easy to make, cost-effective, tastes good, and lasts longer than an IV drip. You get more bang for your buck because of the liposomal delivery method. Once you have the ingredients and jewelry cleaner, you can whip up a batch in no time, and it will last you several days.

If you’re one of those people that catches every virus and bacteria that goes around, you’ll want this supplement in your corner. Don’t forget to refrigerate it.

How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C - FDN Banner

Key Points

Vitamin C is a vital nutrient and one that our bodies can’t make. Supplementing with it in liposomal form is a great way to ingest high amounts. Certain populations need more vitamin C, including the elderly, people who smoke, those who reside in highly-polluted areas, and athletes.

The liver requires vitamin C to process medications like aspirin, Tylenol, and prescription medications. If you’re taking any of these on a regular basis, it’s imperative to support your liver with vitamin C. In my opinion, everyone should be supplementing daily with this antioxidant because of the enormous amounts of stress we’re all under.

Would you like to make liposomal vitamin C? Let me know in the comments:)


Subscribe here

(1) MedicalNewsToday: How can antioxidants benefit our health?
(2) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: A Review on Composite Liposomal Technologies for Specialized Drug Delivery
(3) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Liposomes as Advanced Delivery Systems for Nutraceuticals
(4) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury
(5) ResearchGate: Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury
(6) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Oxidative Stress: Harms and Benefits for Human Health
(7) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Introduction to Oxidative Stress in Biomedical and Biological Research
(8) Goldman Laboratories: What is the difference between traditional and liposomal vitamin C?
(9) ResearchGate: Vitamin C: A Concentration-Function Approach Yields Pharmacology and Therapeutic Discoveries
(10) Harvard Health Publishing: What you should know about: Vitamin C


Disclaimer: This article is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice.

41 thoughts on “How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen”

  1. I just finished reading your fantastic article on How To Make Liposomal Vitamin C In Your Own Kitchen. My wife is a health nut and it’s starting to rub off on me so I did save your site to my favorites and sent my wife a link.

    I know how important vitamin c is and if you can make it yourself than I’m all in. Thank you for a clear explanation on everything. You did a great job on this article.


    • Thank you Jack,

      Liposomal vitamin C is fun to make and it has so many amazing benefits that it’s certainly worth spending the time to do so. If your wife is into healthy recipes, she’ll love it. It’s economical and effective. 

      I appreciate your comment.

    • Hi Hannah,

      A serving size is one to two tablespoons. I take a tablespoon twice a day. The recipe makes a fairly large batch, and will last about a week at that dosage.Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  2. Hello:

    You did not mention vitamin c powder. Or is the rose hips the vitamin c equivalent your using?
    Anyway, I have vitaman c powder ar 5000mg a tsp. Is the 3 tbs to 1cup of water still accurate? Thanks, Carl P.

  3. How would you know the amount of vitamin C you’re getting?

    If you used AA would the amount be the same to add?

    Thank you,


    • Hi Angelina,

      1 teaspoon should equal approximately 1,000 mg. of vitamin C. That means a tablespoon would be 3,000 mg.
      The amount would be the same for ascorbic acid. Hope that helps. Thank you for your comment and for visiting my site.

      • Thanks so much for your response.
        My Pro Elite was delivered Saturday.
        I really appreciate what you’ve shared here.
        Thanks for all you do.

  4. Thanks so much for your site and info!!! Do you have any idea how the rose hip powder is processed? For example–is it ethanol extracted? I don’t want to lose the efficacy of the bioflavanoids which complement the ascorbic acid. The product on Amazon is from Chile so I cannot call them to find out! God Bless and stay safe! Gene

    • Hi Gene,

      I just emailed the company asking if their rose hip is extracted using ethanol. I’m hoping they’ll get back to me quickly. As soon as I hear from them I’ll let you know. Thank you for visiting my site!

    • Gene,

      I just pulled out my rosehips and noticed that the package says “Kosher certified by Kosher Certification Services.” From what I understand, products that are kosher cannot use ethanol during processing. I’ll reply back when I hear back from Starwest Botanicals.

  5. Can you go into more detail of this statement? How does it work?
    “Ultrasonic technology uses high-frequency sound waves to make the mixture liposomal.”

    • Hi Bobby,
      Sure, I can try to explain it. Ultrasonic technology encapsulates the Vitamin C (rosehips) within a liposome (the lecithin) by reducing the particle size. This reduced particle size results in improved absorption and bioavailiability due to the ability of liposomes to pass through cellular membranes and go directly into the cell. This is because the cell membranes and liposomes are made of similar substances. I’m no scientist but that’s the way I understand how high-frequency sound waves work. I hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

  6. Thank you for uncomplicated and clear directions. I was wondering how long you can keep this in the refrigerator before it goes bad? I am also looking at directions that add some vodka for a preservative and would like to know if you think this is necessary?


    • Hi Karen,

      In my experience, liposomal vitamin C stays good for 7-10 days in the fridge. That’s if I take 2 tablespoons per day, which essentially finishes off the batch. I haven’t heard of adding vodka as a preservative. I’ll definitely be reading up on that. Thanks for that tip! And thanks so much for reading my tutorial.

  7. I am making Liposomal Vit C now at home. The source that I got the recipe from states to use “slightly warm” water to mix both the lecithin & ascorbic acid, and to not allow the ultrasonic cleaner get over 32° centigrade. The rationale is that too much heat will oxidize the vitamin c and therefore destroy any benefit. Is this true? Also, how long does taking Liposomal C start to show benefits? Thank you kindly for your time!

    • Hi Amy,

      I was taught to use very warm water in which to dissolve the lecithin and rosehips. My jewelry cleaner only has one setting so I have no idea what the temperature is, but I know it’s not hotter than 32 degrees centigrade. I’ve always used warm water, but never water that is boiling. This is likely because it could oxidize the vitamin C. I wish I could give you a definite answer. I don’t think you’ll oxidize the vitamin C as long as you don’t use boiling water.

      If you have low adrenal function or allergies, you should notice considerable benefit within a week or two. Or if you you’re using it to get your iron levels up. Be sure and take with meals if that is the case. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  8. Hello. I am allergic to soy and sunflower (among many others). Can I use something instead of these to encapsulate the vitamin C?

    • Hi Susan,

      I’m sorry to hear you’re allergic to soy and sunflower. If you’re not allergic to eggs, you could try egg yolk lecithin. I’m not sure how hard that is to find though. Sorry, I wish I had more options for you. I have heard regarding soy (from a couple sources through the years) that due to how lecithin is processed that people that are allergic to soy may tolerate soy lecithin. This may hold true for sunflower lecithin, as well. However, you’ll want to read up on it to make sure it’s safe. Many times it takes a few hours of digging to get the information you’re looking for. Best of luck to you!

      • Vitamin C is an antihistamine so helps suppress allergic reactions. It’s very possible that, because of that fact alone, Susan might experience no reaction at all.
        If it was me, and assuming the allergy is not life-threatening, I would simply experiment and see what happens.
        I suffer Lyme disease and mold toxicity, which several years ago, caused about 6 months of hell where I was reacting to every other food I ate, including soy and sunflower. (Even brown rice!)
        It caused “slow” not instant asthma and anaphylaxis, but even slowed-down asthma/anaphylactic reaction (hives, blood pressure drop, dizziness, feeling of throat obstruction, air hunger, “impending doom” feeling, etc) is a terrible feeling and can send you to the ER as you have no idea how it will progress or how quickly. And, there’s always the anticipation that next time, it could be instant.

        Things that helped me:
        * Eating as anti-inflammatory and low-histamine as possible.

        Vitamin C, at least 2000mg/day, spread out.
        – Quercetin, complementary to C and also antihistamine. (Via Solaray QBC – Quercetin, Bromelain, C)
        Ginkgo biloba, which helps prevent asthmatic reactions.
        – Licorice, anti-inflammatory with cortisol-like properties
        – Ginger, anti-inflammatory, histamine 1 and 2 blocker (like famotidine/ Pepcid)
        – Maybe adaptogens (I rotated a few, including ashwaghanda and astragalus)
        All the above helped chip away at the food reactions piece by piece, but the last 2 puzzle pieces that ended asthmatic / anaphylactic food reactions for me seemed to be:
        – Magnesium: necessary for muscle relaxation, including the smooth muscles around the larynx and the bronchioles in the lungs.
        — B complex, several are necessary for breaking down excess histamine.
        And when I say ended, I mean, the burning in my lungs went away within minutes.
        – Getting as much mold and mildew out of my life as possible.

        Does that sound about right to you, Coach?

        • Yes, that sounds exactly right to me. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and what you’ve found helpful. Magnesium and the B vitamins are absolutely essential, and may have worked via another mechanism, as well. The B vitamins are critical for methylation, and along with magnesium, are components of the Kreb’s cycle, which is how we make energy (ATP) in our bodies. The more energy we make, the better the systems of the body operate because it’s given the tools it needs to reach homeostasis.

          You’re so right about chipping away at the food reactions piece by piece because it isn’t just one system that’s out of balance. A number of factors are involved. There’s a condition called Total Body Meltdown that Dr. Carolyn Dean talks about where multiple systems are imbalanced, and the body is in a state of overwhelm. She’s a huge proponent of supplementing with magnesium and the B vitamins. And, of course, vitamin C which the immune system requires. I have used vitamin C as an anti-histamine as well.

          Histamine reactions are typically caused by imbalances within the digestive and immune systems. The DAO enzyme, that degrades histamine in the stomach, can’t work correctly if the digestive system is imbalanced. Also, methylation defects can accentuate the problem. I am the proud owner of this particular SNP, and used to suffer from histamine intolerance until I worked on my digestive and gut health. I can definitely relate to what you’re saying. I’m so glad you’re feeling better.

          Magnesium also neutralizes toxins from yeast. This is significant because yeast toxins – over 100 of them – reduce thyroid function just to name one system they negatively impact. I also have been working on my mold issues that I’ve had since childhood. Sounds like you have been through a lot. Lyme disease is tough. I haven’t used Gingko, quercetin, or ginger, but love ashwaghanda and licorice.

          Licorice is amazing for extending the half life of cortisol so can help people with adrenal problems. DGL, which is the deglycyrrhizinated form of licorice root is a great supplement for digestive issues because it coats the entire digestive tract, so not only provides symptom relief, but is also healing. People use it for ulcers. Thanks again for your sharing your experience and protocol. I’m proud of you for being so proactive in turning your health around. Hard works pays off when you stick with it.

          Please stay in touch…

  9. In a world of conflicting, even deceiving information, kosher products are harder to decipher. Researching ascorbic acid continues to confirm it is a chemically derived product causing harm? It seems encapsulating makes it more potent? On the same token, Unfermented soy too seems to raise questions about it’s bioavailability?
    I am new to liposomal vitamin c. I was very excited to come across your recipe of using rosehip as an alternative. Thank you!

    • Hi Gabriele,

      I agree, we have so much information at our disposal that deciphering what is truth can be difficult. Ascorbic acid is only a small portion of the vitamin C complex. Many vitamin C supplements are GMO and made with high-fructose corn syrup. I love making liposomal C with rosehips because it’s a whole foods supplement. I much prefer it to ascorbic acid.

      Soy that isn’t fermented is hard to digest, can lower thyroid, and is estrogenic. I stick to the fermented versions. Do let me know how your lipo C turns out. Thanks so much for your comment:)

  10. My blender doesn’t grind the rosehips efficiently! Is it all right to use my coffee grinder that I normally use to grind spices? And is it necessary to filter out particles after the procedure is finished? Thanks!

  11. Hi Thank you for this excellent article.
    I see that you have already discussed temperatures of 32 degrees and below being best; I accidentally took mine up to 34 degrees by leaving the sonic cleaner on for too long. Do yo think that means my solution will merely be a bit sub par rather than completely destroyed? I think I will double up on my daily dose but do you know what happens to the liposomes if they are taken up to higher than 32?
    Thank you for your advice
    Best wishes

    • Hi Annie,
      Thanks for reading my article. How long did you leave your sonic cleaner on for? My sonic cleaner runs in two minute cycles, which I run for a total of 15 minutes, which equals 30 minutes total run time. The 32 degrees is a guideline. I made some yesterday and didn’t even bother to check what the temperature was. I would think your vitamin C should be just fine.

  12. My mother has developed thrombocythemia and I’ve been helping her make the liposomal C. It is helping however her naturopath recommends adding glutamine to help address her platelet issues. Are you aware of a recipe for adding additional supplement powders to the formula? If so, where can I find that information? Dr was impressed with the original article I sent him however has no clue concerning making it at home. Sara

    • Hi Sara,

      Thanks for making the liposomal vitamin C with your mom. I’m sorry to hear about her condition. I’m not aware of a liposomal recipe for glutamine. I have seen recipes for liposomal glutathione, but not glutamine. One idea that comes to mind is to have her put the powder (no taste to speak of) under her tongue and let it dissolve sublingually. It will then go directly into her bloodstream, whereas, if she takes it in a capsule, it will go through her GI tract and lose potency. She should get a good effect that way. Best of luck to you and God Bless!

  13. Thank you for all the information. As I did not have rosehips, I made it with camu camu pulver and sunflower lecithin.
    Only the taste of the end result is so awful, that I am afraid I’ll throw it up. It’s so fatty, I have the feeling that it’s swimming in my stomach. Would it be okay to use less lecithin? I would like to start a high dose Vit C therapy but I’m afraid this is not going to work for me…..

    • Hi Anja,

      Good job on making liposomal vitamin C. It’s a big accomplishment and one that can improve your health. If you don’t like the taste of Camu Camu, I would suggest buying powdered Rosehips. They’re cheaper than Camu Camu and the taste is not bad at all. I can take 3 tablespoons at a time with no problem. You’ll definitely want to make it so you can stand the taste or there will be no point in doing it.
      I haven’t heard of using lesser amounts of lecithin. It’s the substance that makes the liquid slide through the cell membrane so I would be hesitant in using less. You could read up on it though to see what others are saying. Best of luck to you. Let me know how it turns out if you decide to use Rosehips.

  14. Thanks for this info. A couple of questions please…is the jewelry cleaner in your link the one that you use and recommend? I notice in some of the testimonials from people who have brought it that it heats up during use. Is this an issue as I have read that heating vit c can destroy its properties, or is that only if sodium ascorbate is used? Also I cannot find anything about its timer settings. Can you please advise what these are.
    Many thanks. Jen (New Zealand)

    • Hi Jen,

      It’s either the one I use or very similar. Amazon changes what is available from time to time. Plus, I’ve been making liposomal vitamin C for so long that I’ve gone through at least a couple of jewelry cleaners. The ones I use get warm, but not significantly so. I don’t think that’s an issue. I’ve used both sodium ascorbate and rosehips. The cleaners I’ve used have two-minute intervals so I hit the button anywhere from 10-15 times for a total of 20-30 minutes. If I’m crunched for time, I usually only do 20 minutes. Let me know if you have any other questions.


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