The Best Broccoli Salad Recipe EVER

broccoli salad

Summer’s here and that means pool parties, lazy days at the lake, weekend barbecues or just leisurely hanging with friends. What’s a party without food? Stay tuned for the best broccoli salad recipe, which is the perfect addition for any occasion. It’s chock full of crisp, antioxidant-rich goodness, and the … Read more

Relationships and Health: 5 Ways Abuse Will Hijack Your Heart & Health

Relationships and Health - Woman Laying Head on Man's Shoulder

There is a direct correlation between the nature of our relationships and our physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Research into relationships and health has demonstrated repeatedly that supportive relationships can strengthen immunity, whereas toxic unions inhibit it. Loving connections are associated with longevity, quicker recovery from health challenges, a robust … Read more

5 Ways To Strengthen The Vagus Nerve For BETTER Health

Strengthen the Vagus Nerve for Better Health - Two Women Laughing

The vagus nerve, also called the wandering nerve, is the 10th cranial nerve originating at the base of the brain and culminating in the gut. It is a pair of nerves that runs down both sides of the neck, circling around the digestive tract, liver, heart, spleen, lungs and pancreas. … Read more

How To Balance Hormones NATURALLY With Diet & Exercise

How To Balance Hormones Naturally - Four Women With Thumbs Up

Ooooh, the hot topic that we all love or hate – hormones. What are they and what can we do to keep them balanced? For starters, being on top of your liver function is one key way to improve endocrine function. Learn how to balance hormones naturally to look better, … Read more

GMO Crops in The US You Need To AVOID!

GMO Crops in The US

  Hopefully by now, we all know the dangers of GMOs, but do you know what GMO crops are grown and sold in the US? It’s important to know which foods contain GMOs so you can choose healthier alternatives. Check out this infographic to help you remember the specific foods … Read more

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System Review

Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System

The Cashido OzoneOn 10 Second Machine Ozone Water System is ideal for neutralizing odors, sanitizing food, destroying bacteria on the skin and household surfaces, bathing pets, hand washing, and fighting mildew. Ozone is a powerful way to neutralize harmful substances on the body and in the environment. You can do … Read more

5 Reasons You Should STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today

STOP Drinking Diet Soda Today - Coke Can With X On Top

On the surface, substituting sugar-laden soda for diet alternatives, seems like a good idea. This substitution seems so logical that millions of people have bought into this very idea. Although many prescribe to this seemingly harmless practice, doesn’t mean it’s healthy or even safe for that matter.  In fact, the … Read more

10 Medications That Cause Memory Loss [Are You Taking Any Of These?]

multicolored medications that cause memory loss

Medications have side effects. Many drugs on the market today can impair memory, although you might not correlate your cognitive decline, and inability to remember, with your daily medication. In this post, I’ll be sharing information about several commonly-prescribed medications that cause memory loss. If you’re taking any of the … Read more

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage

5 Tips To Reduce Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage - Two Wine Glasses

Keeping your liver healthy is vitally important because it’s responsible for so many critical processes in the body. Alcohol is toxic to the liver. Unfortunately, you may not be aware that your liver function has declined until substantial damage has already occurred. Here are 5 tips to reduce alcohol induced … Read more

What Is A Giardia Infection? [Symptoms and Risk Factors]

What Is A Giardia Infection - Beautiful Lake

That pristine lake you visit every summer may be breathtaking, but it could be hiding a dark secret. Giardia is a microscopic parasite found in contaminated food, water and soil. It’s the most common food-borne illness worldwide and in all regions of the United States. What is a Giardia infection, … Read more

The Benefits Of Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice Root

pieces of licorice root in a spoon

DGL, or deglycyrrhizinated licorice root, is one of my favorite supplements. It heals stomach ulcers, promotes healthy digestion, and alleviates GERD, which is so prevalent in today’s society. And it does all this without interfering with cortisol levels. DGL is powerful because it doesn’t just relieve symptoms, it heals the … Read more

Is Tinea Versicolor Contagious? [Causes, Symptoms And Natural Remedies]

Is Tinea Versicolor Contagious - Tinea Versicolor Rash

What is Tinea Versicolor? It’s a mouthful to say. It’s also called Pityriasis Versicolor or Dermatomycosis Furfuracea, which is even harder to pronounce. In certain parts of South Asia, it’s referred to as Peter Elam’s Disease.  Tinea Versicolor is a fungal infection of the skin, resulting from naturally-occurring yeast that … Read more

What Is A Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner? [FDN]

puzzle piece with the word education on it

What is an FDN? FDN stands for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner. I know, it’s a mouthful. Being an FDN practitioner can change your life and your clients’ lives in profound and meaningful ways. Educate, support, inspire and help others live their best lives, while living your own best life. What … Read more

Can An H. Pylori Bacterial Infection Be A Precursor To Stomach Cancer?

H Pylori Bacterial Infection - Man With Stomach Ache

Helicobacter Pylori is a common bacterial infection that attacks the lining of the stomach, causing ulcers, bloating, abdominal pain, and lack of appetite. Many people have no idea they have it. This spiral-shaped bacterium is thought to infect up to half the world’s population. Although, most cases of the infection … Read more

Is Soy Good Or Bad? [Make An Informed Decision]

soybeans and soy milk

Is soy good or bad or is it somewhere in the middle? It’s a food shrouded in controversy. I stand firmly in the camp of those who believe there are both benefits and drawbacks, depending on how it’s prepared. If you’re on the fence, discover 6 reasons to consider eating … Read more

How To Improve Digestion With Resistant Starch

How To Improve Digestion - Scoop Of Rice

True to its name, resistant starch is a type of starch that resists digestion, which means it remains intact as it passes through the small intestine. It has been shown to increase satiety, improve immunity, and reduce inflammation. This soluble fiber is a therapeutic tool in diabetes prevention as it … Read more

What Is The Best Protein Powder On The Market? [Restructure Review]

What Is The Best Protein Powder On The Market - Scoop Of Protein Powder

I love using a quality protein powder in my morning smoothie.  It’s convenient, nutritious, and delicious. What is the best protein powder on the market? Keep reading if you’ve been on the hunt for a great meal-replacement powder to make your life easier and improve your health. Product Name: Restructure … Read more

How To Use Mimosa Pudica For Parasites

How To Use Mimosa Pudica For Parasites - Mimosa Pudica Plant

Does the thought of having parasites make you cringe? That’s the reaction most of us have when presented with this uncomfortable subject. Unfortunately, parasites are more common than you think. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 1/3rd of Americans are infected. In this post, you’ll learn how to use … Read more

The Benefits Of Grapefruit Seed Extract For Candida

The Benefits Of Grapefruit Seed Extract For Candida - Pink Grapefruit

Oh the humble grapefruit. Who would have thought! Did you know the seeds are where the magic happens. Powerful polyphenols are contained within the grapefruit seeds, and are responsible for its ability to kill infectious agents. Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) was discovered in 1972 by Jacob Harich, an American immunologist, … Read more

High Dose Enzyme Therapy For Cancer

High Dose Enzyme Therapy For Cancer - Enyzmes

When you hear the word “enzyme,” you most likely associate it with digestion, but you may not realize that proteolytic enzymes are the body’s main defense against cancer. Enzymes act as catalysts for the many chemical reactions that take place in the body, and are essential for building, maintenance and … Read more

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