How To Balance Hormones NATURALLY With Diet & Exercise

How To Balance Hormones Naturally - Four Women With Thumbs Up

Ooooh, the hot topic that we all love or hate – hormones. What are they and what can we do to keep them balanced? For starters, being on top of your liver function is one key way to improve endocrine function. Learn how to balance hormones naturally to look better, … Read more

Follow These 5 Steps To Get A RIPPED Body By Summer

How To Get A Ripped Body By Summer - Woman In Red Bikini

Are you stressed about summer and all those vacations you’ve got planned because you don’t like how you look in a swimsuit? You’re not alone, women the world over (and men too) are bemoaning the fact that they don’t like what they see in the mirror. It’s high time to … Read more

What Are The Symptoms Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Woman getting out of bed

PCOS is the acronym for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, a hormonal disorder that affects women in their reproductive years. In fact, up to 10% of women in the United States suffer from this frustrating condition, which makes weight loss difficult and can result in infertility. PCOS presents differently in everyone, making … Read more

High Intensity Interval Training Workouts [Lose Weight And Keep It Off]

blue running shoes and weights

Let’s first define what high intensity interval training workouts are and why they’re so beneficial for weight loss. Interval training is a type of exercise that alternates between intense exercise for short periods of time followed by a rest or recovery period. This type of exercise is extremely effective for … Read more

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage [Bounce Your Way To Wellness]

Rebounding For Lymphatic Drainage - Foot On Rebounder

Jumping on a trampoline is a blast, but did you know that bouncing on a rebounder can be therapeutic? Rebounding is a healing modality that can help the lymphatic system function optimally, and in turn, the immune system. A robust immune system is the body’s primary defense against disease and … Read more

The Benefits Of EWOT (Exercise With Oxygen Therapy)

The Benefits Of EWOT - Girl On Bike With Oxygen Mask

Exercise is a non-negotiable if you want good health. What if you could exponentially enhance the benefits you’re already getting from your exercise routine?  Oxygen is without a doubt our most essential nutrient. If you don’t believe me, hold your breath for a minute. You can survive without food for … Read more

3 Benefits Of Hanging Upside Down

3 Benefits Of Hanging Upside Down - Man With Back Pain

You heard me right, hanging upside down is good for you. It’s called Inversion Therapy and it can be very therapeutic. One of the benefits is spinal decompression or stretching of the spine. Read more to discover the benefits of hanging upside down. Disclaimer: This article is strictly for informational … Read more

8 Exercises You Can Do From Home To Get Sculpted & Defined Arms

3 colorful kettlebells

Don’t you just love arms that are sculpted and well-defined?  Did you know that your triceps comprise about two-thirds of your upper arm. That’s pretty significant, and underscores the importance of paying attention to this important muscle. Then there’s those awesome bicep muscles that make your arms look so darn … Read more

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