What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy & Why You Should Care!

Energizing and activating your body’s own healing mechanisms is critical if you want to heal from chronic disease.  Electromagnetic field therapy isn’t new, and has been used from the advent of electricity. In fact, in the 1800s Nikola Tesla discovered that electrical currents could be passed through the body without incurring harm. Today, PEMF therapy is gaining ground for a wide variety of applications. What is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy?

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - Graphic

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy

We are bioelectric beings, with cells designed to operate efficiently at -20 to -25 millivolts, which incidentally equates to a pH of 7.35.  A voltage of -50 is required for cellular healing. Cells become dysfunctional when their electrical charge drops. PEMF induces healing by increasing cellular voltage.

When electromagnetic currents are delivered into the body, cells are recharged and re-energized. This process is similar to jump starting your car when the battery dies. In this way, PEMF is not a treatment per se, rather it stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms.

 PEMF and Malignancies

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) has many applications, one of which is reducing pain without the harmful side effects that come with prescription drug use. It does this by energizing and relaxing the body to initiate healing. The slow electromagnetic frequencies, that simulate the rumbling of the earth, also calm and balance the nervous system, creating an ideal environment in which the body can self-heal.

PEMF is used for many conditions, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, ADHD, depression and anxiety, diabetic ulcers, arthritis, osteoporosis, wound healing, tooth disease, and burns. Following are 4 reasons PEMF is an adjunct treatment for cancer.

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1. Increased Oxygenation and Cancer

Otto Warburg, a Nobel prize winner, proved that cancer cannot thrive in a high-oxygen environment. In this way, PEMF therapy is useful in preventing cancer because of its ability to oxygenate the blood, along with every cell of the body.

PEMF increases oxygenation by optimizing extraction of oxygen from the air. Oxygenated cells are better equipped to protect themselves due to their ability to fend off viruses and bacteria. Healthy cells become diseased in the absence of oxygen, while cancer cells thrive in an oxygen-depleted environment.

Oxygen energizes white blood cells, essential components of the immune system. Increased oxygen translates to better nutrient uptake, and more efficient toxin release. Cells that are activated and energized are better able to repair themselves.

PEMF therapy is similar to ozone therapy, an oxidative therapy. Used together, oxygen is exponentially increased. Pulsed electromagnetic fields are non-ionizing, meaning they will not harm the body. Therapy with the device only takes a few minutes.

Read my post: “Health Benefits Of Ozone Therapy.”

2. Delta Brain Waves are Stimulated

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - Person On Beach The human brain experiences four brainwave states, each correlated with a specific hertz range. As the cycles per second decrease, the potential for healing also increases.

This is why delta – the slowest of the brainwaves -are the most healing, and why deep sleep is so restorative. PEMF therapy is highly beneficial for insomniacs and those with sleep apnea.

Here’s a brief summary of each of the brainwaves:

1. Beta brainwaves: [14 Hz] You are in beta brainwaves when you’re awake and active during the day.

2. Alpha brainwaves: [8 – 13 Hz] Alpha brainwaves are associated with a normal resting state, meditation and visualization.

3. Theta brainwaves: [4 – 7 Hz] Deep meditation, dreaming, and hypnosis induce a theta state.

4. Delta brainwaves: [0.5 – 3 Hz] The slowest of the brain waves, delta initiates deep healing, balance, and repair.

Pulsed magnetic fields positively affect brainwaves, significantly slowing them down, which fosters rejuvenation and regeneration, while restoring natural frequencies.

3. Improved Cell Membrane Function

Most people think the nucleus is the brain of the cell, however, it’s really the cell membrane, which houses receptors that allow nutrients and toxins to enter and exit the cell. This membrane needs to be permeable for this two-way process to happen.

Unfortunately, heavy metals can clog cell membrane channels, degrading their function, and preventing nutrient absorption into the cell, and metabolic waste excretion out of the cell. Without adequate nutrition, cells become sick and weak, and can’t produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. This leads to fatigue, problems with concentration, and is a set-up for disease.

Less cellular ATP means less energy for the body to function as it should. PEMF restores cell membrane integrity by sending electromagnetic pulses into the body, dislodging heavy metals, which can then be eliminated. Heavy metals create significant disturbance, aside from damaging cell membranes.

Heavy metals are implicated in cancer development via various mechanisms, which will be outlined below. One such mechanism is the displacement of minerals, providing an optimal breeding ground for disease to develop.

4. Heavy Metal Detoxification

Compare the low frequencies of PEMF, in the 0-30 hertz range, to the high frequencies of EMFs that are known to damage the detoxification systems of the body. As stated above, PEMF initiates the release of heavy metals so they can be bound and excreted from the body.

Binders should be used in conjunction with PEMF to mop up heavy metals as they become mobilized. Activated charcoal, modified citrus pectin, zeolite, and various clays are all examples of binders that can be used for this purpose. Far infrared saunas are also highly effective at mobilizing and excreting heavy metals through the skin.

Metals are pervasive in the environment. They’re in the air, water, soil, beauty care products, cleaning products, and our food supply. Our detox systems are not equipped to excrete them at the alarming rate they enter the body. That’s why we need to up the ante by using therapies, such as PEMF, ozone, and saunas.

The failure to discharge these metals, leads to bio accumulation, resulting in DNA damage, disturbances in the replication process, and potentially mutations. All of these are factors in the development of cancer, not to mention the deleterious drain heavy metals exert on immune function, which is ultimately what will eradicate cancer cells.

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - ALMAG-01 PEMF DEVICE

5. Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Benefits

PEMF is a relative low-cost therapy that raises voltage, helping the body to heal from cancer and other chronic diseases. Its many benefits include:

  • Alleviates pain and inflammation
  • Oxygenates the blood and tissues
  • Decreases heavy metal load
  • Boosts immune function
  • Promotes deep healing and relaxation
  • Reduces the effects of stress
  • Detoxifies and regenerates cells
  • Increases circulation and nutrient uptake
  • Decreases blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Increases range of motion
  • Prevents dysfunction and disease

PEMF Therapy Mats

PEMF therapy is a technology that promotes healing by delivering pulsating magnetic frequencies into the body, greatly impacting cellular metabolism, and ATP production, both of which stimulate healing. The PEMF device I love, comes in three different sizes, and looks kind of like a yoga mat or heating pad, although it’s much thicker.

These mats need to be quite thick because they house spiral coils. Frequency generators energize these coils, creating pulsed magnetic fields. All that’s required for healing is to lay on the mat for a few minutes and relax. It’s couldn’t be simpler.

PEMF mat with amethyst crystals

PEMF devices in various price ranges

If you’d like to learn more about the PEMF, check out this book: “The Fifth Element Of Health.”

What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - FDN Banner

Key Points

PEMF therapy is a noninvasive, painless, time-effective therapy that raises voltage in the body, enabling the body to heal itself. Raising voltage increases oxygenation, heals the cell membrane, and releases heavy metals, all of which optimize immune function, making it the ultimate defense against disease!

The most noticeable side effects you’ll notice following a PEMF treatment is reduced pain, better mental clarity, and a boost in energy. Compare this to the numerous side effects associated with prescription-drug use.

Have you heard of or received PEMF therapy? Let me know in the comments:)


(1) National Pancreatic Cancer Foundation: What is PEMF Therapy?
(2) News Medical Life Sciences: What types of conditions can PEMF therapy treat?
(3) NCBI: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial using a low-frequency magnetic field in the treatment of musculoskeletal chronic pain
(4) Ondamed.net: Biological Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy By Keith R. Holden, M.D.
(5) Cancer Research: Daily Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy inhibits tumor angiogenesis via the hypoxia driven pathway: therapeutic implications

Disclaimer: This article is strictly for informational purposes only and is not intended to be medical advice.

8 thoughts on “What Is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy & Why You Should Care!”

  1. After having lost several people who faithfully followed “traditional” treatments, I’m really glad to see an alternative being given some attention. I wasn’t aware there are so many applications for PEMF, though it does make sense. 

    Give the body what it needs and let it do what it was designed to do…heal itself. The Delta waves…does PEMF introduce them into the body or is that just one of the frequencies used? Great review, thanks for giving me something new to learn about!

    • Thanks for your comment Tricia. I’m sorry you’ve been so affected by cancer. It’s unfortunate it’s touching so many peoples’ lives.

      I’m of the camp that when you give the body what it needs, and take away anything that’s negatively impacting it, it can heal itself. PEMF helps the body reach deep levels of sleep, associated with delta brainwaves, that promote healing. 

  2. In Indian sub-continent cancer is still a deadly disease. It is treated with chemotherapy or radiotherapy.  PEMF therapy seems much more harmless and like an effective treatment modality, which our subcontinent would welcome.

    We heartily thank Nikola Tesla from the core of the hearts for discovering that pulsed electromagnetic fields can pass through the body without harming it.  Would you mind if I asked how much is the cost of treatment with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy approximately?

    • Hi Ranao,

      I appreciate your comment. Here in the United States, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are the gold standard in treating cancer. PEMF is a preventative and adjunct therapy that raises voltage in the body, which results in a number of positive effects. 

      PEMF mats range in price from $200 – $1300 depending on the size and what features they have. I use PEMF at home so I’m not sure what you’d pay at a practitioner’s office. When I received treatment it was in conjunction with ozone therapy so I’m uncertain of the cost breakdown. 

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Very interesting article. This is the first I have heard of this practice. Has this product helped you personally or a loved one?  

    Question: Are there different types of therapy for the various types of brain waves? I would like to learn more on this subject. Do you have other article I can read? Or a source site I can visit?

    • Hi Terry,

      Thank you. Most people haven’t heard of PEMF therapy. I have used PEMF at my naturopaths office, and use the mat I suggested every single day. I also have a friend who has a mat, and she spends as much time as she can on it because it’s amazing for pain reduction. PEMF mats are simply the best – no doubt about it! 

      Visualization and meditation are two practices that are great for slowing down brain waves. Dr. Kevin Connors helps people with cancer. Please visit his website for more information.


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