Receiving a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Time stands still while your head spins with all the decisions that need to be made – there are so many options to consider. Emotions run high and fear of the unknown is palpable. These feelings are normal, for both the person with cancer and their families. In today’s post I want to outline the benefits of PectaSol-C for cancer. It’s safe, gentle, effective and provides multiple benefits for those suffering, not only from cancer, but other diseases as well.
Table of Contents
What Is PectoSol-C?
When you hear the word “pectin” you probably think of making jam. And, that’s true, thickening occurs when pectin and sugar are combined and heated. Pectin is a polysaccharide found in apples, berries, and citrus fruit – it can’t be absorbed by the digestive tract. Modified citrus pectin is derived from the peel and pulp of citrus fruits, and is easily absorbed into the bloodstream, due to an enzymatic modification process, along with its low-molecular weight.
PectoSol-C (MCP) is a modified citrus pectin supplement that is highly effective for many conditions, including cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, or any condition that is inflammatory in nature.
It also promotes a healthy immune response, because it helps natural killer cells and white blood cells carry out their functions more efficiently. It was developed and patented by Dr. Isaac Eliaz, and has been highly researched. Watch the video below for more information.
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What is Galectin-3?
Galectin-3 is a chemical in the body, normally found in small amounts, which regulates cellular growth and development, and is beneficial in repair processes, such as wound healing and the development of scar tissue. Not only are high levels indicative of disease states, research is now finding that it plays a causative role, as well. The expression of galectin-3 is associated with inflammatory cells, including macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells.
Elevated levels of galectin-3 also correlate with interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein – both inflammatory markers. Over-expression of galectins are implicated in a variety of health conditions, and more notably for this post, in the aggregation, proliferation, and metastases of cancer cells. If you have cancer, or any other inflammatory condition, the goal is to lower galectin-3.
Galectin 3 And Cancer
MCP blocks galectin-3, while inhibiting several of the mechanisms that allow cancer to develop. One of the mechanisms in which galectin-3 promotes cancer is decreased apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
This is important because dysfunctional cells are eliminated through this protective process. A distinguishing feature of cancer is that malignant cells are able to evade apoptosis, allowing unhealthy cells to survive.
Galectin-3 is an adhesion molecule that enables cancer cells to clump together. Circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream use this adhesive quality of galectin-3 to attach to blood vessel walls. This process initiates metastases.
Without this adhesion process, circulating tumor cells are eliminated by white blood cells, preventing them from causing damage. One drawback of tumor removal during surgery is the potential for increased cell-adhesion.
MCP Is Anti-Angiogenesis
This inhibition of metastases is another mechanism through which MCP prevents cancer. One reason cancer is so lethal, is its ability to spread and when it does, it becomes far more dangerous and life-threatening. Decreased immune function is another promoter of metastases.
MCP supports healthy immunity, inhibiting the spread of cancer. It also suppresses angiogenesis, or the formation of new blood vessels, which nourish cancer cells. MCP has the ability to essentially cut off this blood supply that fuels cancer growth.
This is the brand (powder) I use
PectaSol-C also comes in capsules
PectaSol-C Is A Natural Chelator
Heavy metals are everywhere. They’re found in pesticides, industrial pollution, tap water, cookware, cleaning products, makeup, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, and, of course, mercury fillings. We’re bombarded with them on a daily basis.
MCP is a natural chelator, meaning it pulls heavy metals from the blood and tissues. Chelate means to “grab onto.” Unlike other chelators, such as, EDTA, DMPS, and DMSA, MCP can be used safely even if the patient has mercury fillings or metal implants in their mouth.
The last thing anyone wants is mercury floating around in their bloodstream, due to improper chelation. MCP does not leach essential minerals from the body, as is typical of other chelators, and can be safely used by children. Prolonged exposure to heavy metals increases cancer risk through immune-suppression, and inhibited detoxification capacity.
Removal of these harmful chemicals is essential in preventing cancer. MCP is an great detoxifier, and has been proven to reduce heavy- metal burden. Toxic metals, such as, mercury, lead, and cadmium can be safely removed while supporting the body’s detoxification pathways. This frees up the immune system to exert its magic where it’s needed.
Benefits Of PectaSol-C For Cancer
- Halts growth of cancer cells
- Blocks the growth of solid tumors
- Chelates heavy metals
- Increases apoptosis or programmed cell death
- Inhibits angiogenesis
- Inhibits metastasis
- Promotes healthy immunity
- Helps with fibrotic conditions – it’s a fibrotic precursor
- Can be used even if mercury fillings and metal implants are present
Key Points
PectaSol-C is one of the most important cancer supplements. It has an impressive body of research to back it up. Galectin-3 levels increase with age, and when elevated, lead to chronic inflammation. As most chronic degenerative diseases are inflammatory in nature, everyone can benefit from this natural compound, which binds and inactivates galectin-3, to promote overall health.
With the ever-increasing assault of heavy metals into the environment, this gentle chelator should be a staple supplement in everyone’s arsenal. It’s a powerful supporter of immune function and can be used preventatively. It’s also safe to take on a regular basis.
The goal of any complementary cancer protocol is to turn cancer into a chronic condition, instead of a terminal one. Using PectaSol-C for cancer is one way to further this goal.
Have you used MCP? What was your experience with it? Let me know in the comments:)
It’s great to see a supplement on the market that can help halt the growth of cancer cells. I think we’re always bombarded through the news media that there are only few treatment options for cancer, so the use of a supplement as part of a treatment regimen is practically groundbreaking.
It also looks like PectaSol-C can be used preventatively, as you mentioned it has the ability to block the growth of solid tumors, which makes it even more valuable to use as a supplement.
Hi Todd,
Many people believe that surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are the only viable treatments for cancer. Truth be told, there are many beneficial and effective alternative treatments that have helped scores of people fight the disease, including PectaSol-C.
I use PectaSol-C preventatively, if I had cancer, it’s definitely a supplement I would include in my regimen. Thanks so much for reading!
You couldn’t have said it better: Receiving a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. Anyone with cancer seeing you talk about the benefits of PectaSol-C for cancer will feel some immediate relief.
I’ve been entertaining silly thoughts of some spots on my skin being signs of cancer, which made me read your article with much interest.
You really got me interested in PectoSol-C (MCP) for the diseases it fights against: including cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and stroke. These are unfortunately common human conditions. I wonder where I can get the product. I live in West Africa. Any ideas would be welcome.
The video was a great addition to lend credence to the article. The fact that PectaSol-C Is a natural chelator is nice to hear. These days almost everything is chemically-produced, bringing humanity more suffering.
The benefits of pectasol-C for cancer enabled me to see its effectiveness further.
A great article. I hope people with cancer will have the opportunity to read it. Please try to spread the idea on social media, as your article could save a life or two. I’m keeping your site address somewhere safe, in case.
Thank you for your detailed comment. Cancer is a terrifying disease and the second leading cause of death following cardiovascular disease. Please get the spots on your skin checked out to be safe.
PectaSol-C is a great supplement for not only cancer, but other diseases as well. I take it and I’m in good health but am using it preventatively and for its chelating properties. Please click on the link I provided in my article, I haven’t heard that it can’t be shipped to West Africa.
I’m glad you found the video helpful. I have shared my post on social media to get the message out there. I know many people aren’t aware of the benefits of this supplement. Thanks so much for reading!
I didn’t catch your name from your about page, interesting though. I am a diabetic and have been for over 30 years. I am typically a fast healer for a diabetic, but as I get older, I’m noticing I’m experiencing more pain in my joints.
After many of my family members have gotten cancer, I felt the need to do some looking around. Preventative medicine if you will. I am going to be talking with my Dr. about PectaSol-C to see if it’s right for me. Then I will be back to get some. Thanks again, Kari
Hi Kari,
I’m Holly, nice to meet you. I’m sorry to hear about your diabetes and painful joints. It sounds like you’re managing it well.
Preventing cancer will always be easier than treating the disease so please learn more about PectaSol-C. Thanks so much for reading my post!
Tried to sign up for newsletter but there is no submit button. How strange.
I’m so sorry Laura. Please click this link. Not sure why that happened. Would love to have you join my private Facebook group, as well, that I just created. Click here if you’d like to join.