Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies

With the quarantine still in place, health and wellness is on everyone’s mind. Finding ways to fortify immunity is the best strategy any of us can implement at this time. Did you know you can boost your immune system naturally with simple green smoothies? Keep reading to find out how.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies - Green Juice

What Are Smoothies?

People often confuse juice with smoothies, but although they’re both nourishing, they aren’t the same. The primary difference between the two is that smoothies are thick and creamy because they contain fiber, whereas juice is thinner because the fiber is removed during the juicing process.

Green smoothies are a combination of a liquid base, leafy greens (the superstars), and frozen fruit. Frozen fruit makes smoothies extra creamy, plus it’s more cost-effective than fresh fruit and convenient to have on hand.

The base can be plain water or a nut milk of your choice. Toss in a scoop of protein powder for an extra boost. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Drink immediately to harness the nutrition contained within your smoothie.

I would suggest also adding a splash of your favorite oil to enhance nutrient-absorption. Be sure to add the oil after the fruit and veges have been blended as some oils are very fragile. Nut butters are another good option if you want additional calories and fat to increase satiety.

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The different combination of smoothies you can make are endless, and can be tailored to what you’re craving in the moment, whether that be a spinach/strawberry/ginger mix blended in coconut milk or a kale/green apple/chia seed mixture whipped up in some delicious almond milk.

Don’t forget to add some herbs or spices to your concoction for an extra tastebud-tingling experience. You can get as fancy or as minimalistic as you want, depending on your mood, and what ingredients you have on hand. Smoothies are a fantastic way to unleash your creativity!

Benefits Of Simple Green Smoothies

Aside from the nutritional and immune-boosting benefits of green smoothies, they’re just so dang convenient to make. They pack a huge punch in terms of nutrition, but they’re also terrific time-savers where you’re in a rush. Here are some other amazing benefits of blending:

Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Smoothies are bursting with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants thanks to their wholesome ingredients. It’s a good idea to rotate your leafy greens on a weekly basis due to what is called “alkaloid buildup.”

Leafy greens contain small amounts of toxins that are meant to protect them from being eaten by animals. Eaten continuously, it’s possible that these alkaloids can negatively impact thyroid function.

You should be fine as long as you’re cognizant about rotating your vegetables, which by the way, your taste buds will thank you. For instance, you could use spinach in your smoothies for an entire week, then use kale the next week, and opt for your favorite variety of lettuce the next.

This is good practice anyway since you’ll be flooding your body with a broad mix of nutrients. Remember too that leafy greens can be frozen, which will prevent you from having to go to the store as often.

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Leafy Greens: All varieties of lettuce, chard, kale, spinach, collard greens, cabbage, carrot tops, cilantro, dandelion greens and beet greens.

Frozen Fruit: Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, boysenberries, bananas, apples, mangoes, pears, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocados, peaches, plums, pineapple, grapes, cherries, and kiwi fruit.

Liquid Bases: Water, coconut, rice, almond, macadamia, or cashew milk.

Oils: Coconut or MCT oil, almond, avocado, walnut, or flaxseed oil (very fragile).

Nut Butters: Almond, macadamia, hazelnut, pecan, or walnut butter.

Herbs and Spices: Turmeric, cardamom, saffron, vanilla bean, cinnamon, nutmeg, mint, ginger, cumin, fennel seed, allspice, fenugreek, coriander, saffron, and cayenne (be careful – less is more). Fresh spices will add the most flavor, but powdered or dried spices are good options, as well.

The Simple Green Smoothie Challenge

If you want to take your smoothie-making to the next level, sign up for Simple Green Smoothie’s 7-day Green Smoothie Challenge, which makes it easy, not to mention affordable, to create gorgeously nutritious smoothies and plant-based snacks and meals every day for a week. You’ll get a plant-based cleanse guidebook, over 20 meal, smoothie, and snack recipes, the ultimate prep guide, a shopping list, and a 7-day meal plan.

Or If you want to get a little more serious, which by the way now is a brilliant time to do this, sign up for the Reset Your Body 21-Day Plant-Based Cleanse, which is designed to boost both energy and immunity, while fostering weight loss.  Sometimes it’s nice to do something together with a group. The camaraderie will help keep you accountable and committed.

Challenge yourself even further by enrolling in the The 30-Day Smoothie Challenge to lose weight, supercharge your energy, and get fit. Just 5 minutes a day will do wonders to restore your energy, rejuvenate your skin, and promote better sleep. The program will also walk you through which smoothies to incorporate into your daily routine to break through a weight loss plateau, and transform the way you eat and move.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies - Testimonial

Signs Your Body Needs A Reset

Here are some signs that your body is screaming “Please, reset me now!”

  • You are sluggish and lethargic
  • Your clothes are tight
  • You feel bloated and frumpy
  • You catch every cold and flu
  • You’re cranky and irritable
  • Your skin is breaking out
  • Your complexion is dull
  • You can’t seem to lose weight
  • If you do lose weight, you can’t maintain it
  • Your brain feels foggy and slow
  • You’re unmotivated and lack focus

Food Sensitivities And Tailor-Made Remedies

Don’t worry if you have a long list of food sensitivities. There are smoothie recipes that cater to those who can’t have gluten, nuts, sugar, or bananas. They’re also Paleo and kid-friendly. Another great thing is the recipes are tailored in terms of what conditions they’re formulated for.

For instance, there are smoothies for weight loss, for increasing energy, for fortifying immunity, for detoxification, for viruses, and for sleep and beauty. As an example, the graphic below shows smoothies that can be made to increase immune function.

There’s even an app available. The Daily Blends App is the #1 green smoothie app, which is bursting with over 150 energizing recipes. You can highlight your favorite recipes, swap out ingredients that better suit your needs, or add your favorites to a shopping list.

Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies - Smoothies

Having a tool, such as the app, helps to reduce the overwhelm of starting something new. The folks at Simple Green Smoothie have made whipping up smoothies as enjoyable and easy as possible to get healthy and stay healthy.

Key Points

A simple green smoothie reset may be the perfect fit if you’re hoping to drop a few pounds, increase your energy and motivation, gain better mental clarity, and look and feel younger.

And think about it, the boost in energy and mental function will help you start and stick to an exercise program. A reset is a tremendous option if you want to propel yourself into a healthier way of being. What are you waiting for? There’s never been a better time to take your health to the next level.

Could your body use a reset? Let me know in the comments:)

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4 thoughts on “Boost Your Immune System Naturally With Simple Green Smoothies”

  1. Thank you so much for this amazing article! I had a fruit smoothie this morning, and after reading this article I’m gonna make a green smoothie tomorrow. I’ve learned so much from your post, like adding oils to the smoothie to help the body absorb the nutrients. I wouldn’t have thought of that on my own, the more you live the more you learn they say. 

    The 7-day challenge sounds awesome too, sounds interesting, and I’m always up for trying fun ways to include fruits and veggies in my diet. Thanks again for this amazing post, blessings to you.

    • Hi Mikhail,

      Thanks so much for reading my article. I had a smoothie for breakfast too. I can’t imagine going one day without one. Smoothies are a great way to use up extra produce, and they pack a big punch in terms of nutrition, not to mention they’re amazing time-savers.

      Yes, it’s a good idea to add some fat to your smoothie to aid in the absorption of nutrients. A teaspoon of oil will do the tricks. Smoothies are a fun way to get more fruits and veggies in your diet, plus there are so many different combinations that you don’t get sick of them. Thanks for taking the time to comment:) 

  2. How the immune system is functioning so vital for our health, and we have to keep it optimized, especially with the current rapid spread of Covid-19 that has sent such panic across the world. There are so many benefits of drinking smoothies and you have outlined most of them. Thank you very much for this helpful article.

    • Hello,

      Thanks for reading my article on smoothies and the immune system. You’re absolutely right, optimizing immunity, especially during this critical time, is the best thing we can all do to protect ourselves and others. Making nutritious and immune-boosting smoothies is something that can be done at home, it doesn’t take a lot of time, and it’s affordable. Smoothies are a package deal. I appreciate your comment:)


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