The plague of narcissism is pervasive in the earth today. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is an intractable, insidious, and dangerous disorder that is notoriously difficult to treat.

Narcissists are malignant predators who prey on their victims in order to fuel their inflated, yet fragile, egos. They are cunning masters of deceit and destruction, wreaking havoc in the lives of those they choose to victimize.
These poisonous predators are the epitome of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Narcissists are con men that are woven into the fabric of society, unbeknownst to those they walk among.
They look like us, they act like us, and unless you get to know them intimately, you would have no reason to suspect the
sinister presence that lies just beneath the surface of the fake facade they have so expertly crafted.
If you are married to a narcissist, in a relationship with one, or were birthed by one, you are most certainly living in an alternate reality, that you cannot possibly comprehend, and one that you did not sign up for.
Welcome to the twilight zone…
In the coming weeks, I will be highlighting 10 sinister facts about narcissism that are not often talked about.
Let’s begin with #1…
#1: You Will NOT Be The Exception
Human nature is such that we tend to believe that our situation will somehow be different. That we will be the exception to the rule. But what anyone who is dealing with a narcissist needs to realize is… narcissists don’t play fair. Their playbook is set in stone. They don’t make exceptions.
The truth is… you will NOT be the exception to the rule. Believing that you will be, will only add to your distress, despondency, and despair, and will lengthen the time you are exposed to their soul-sucking sinister tactics. This is dangerous territory that you don’t want to find yourself in.
Manage your expectations wisely when interacting with the narcissist in your life. Expectations are the breeding ground for disappointment, and in regard to narcissism, further damage to your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial health.
The longer you’re exposed to narcissistic toxicity, the greater the fallout will be in terms of what you’ll have to repair later on.
Here’s the rock solid truth: Anyone who stands up to a narcissist, no matter how special they believe themselves to be, WILL be deemed a target to destroy. It’s just the way narcissists roll…
Entertaining the idea that you’ll be the exception, won’t serve you well. On the other hand, assuming that you won’t be the exception, will enable you to see the situation for what it is, without rose-colored glasses, which will enable you to extract yourself from the toxicity sooner, and in the most efficacious way.
At the very least, seeing things for what they truly are, will allow you to put systems into place to protect yourself, and to do the most amount of damage control, in the event that you can’t leave or separate yourself from your abuser.
Although narcissists each have their own individual fingerprint, so to speak, since the disorder is fueled by the same principality, the abuse plays out in a similar fashion in the majority of cases, underscoring the fact, that YOUR case won’t be any different.
Knowledge is power. The truth will set us free. Embrace the truth even though it’s difficult to wrap your mind around the fact that such evil exists in the world.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Hit reply and let me know below…

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