What is the difference between a sociopath and a narcissist? The sinister coldness of sociopathy is thought to arise from congenital deficits in the area of the brain that houses emotional input, and one’s ability to interact in a normal way with others.

Compare this anatomical abnormality to the lack of empathy in narcissism, which may be the result of an absence of emotional connection between a child and their primary caregiver, who either neglected, abused, or spoiled the child in their formative years.
This caregiver may have even been narcissistic themselves.
Childhood abuse can hinder the normal development of the limbic region in the brain that is associated with compassion and empathy.
This disruption in brain development can happen due to a caregiver who fails to mirror back to a child the emotions he/she is feeling. For instance: “I see that you’re feeling angry right now. Let’s talk about why you are feeling that way.”
The parent then helps the child find healthy ways of coping with strong, yet normal, emotions.
Compare that healthy emotional response to that of a parent who doesn’t acknowledge, or goes so far as to shame a child, for normal emotional expression.
When this happens repeatedly, or is evident at a pivotal moment in a child’s development, the child comes to view emotions as shameful or something to be avoided altogether.
They do not learn how to deal with their own emotional responses, and in turn, other people’s.
I once heard these disorders as being analogous to having a damaged arm in childhood (narcissism), to being born with no arm (sociopathy). Does this ring true for those of you who have known both sociopaths and narcissists?

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