What Is Soaking Prayer & Why You Should Make Time For It

What is soaking prayer? Simply put, it’s setting aside time for intimacy with God, with the purpose of experiencing His manifested presence. You don’t have to worry about if you’re doing it right. There are no rules. Neither are there words to speak or sentences to construct. Just be with Him. Bask in God’s comforting presence, while reflecting and pondering on His goodness in your life.

What Is Soaking Prayer - More Soaking, Less Talking Quote

What is Soaking Prayer?

Soaking prayer is setting aside a block of time to meditate and place your thoughts on God – to engage with the One who lives inside. Acknowledge and recognize His healing presence. Soaking enables you to come back to the here and now. Miracles happen in the here and now so you are positioning yourself to receive a breakthrough when you lean into Him.

Prayer is an exchange of the burden. You can do this while soaking, without using words. Release what’s troubling you. Give it to Him. This restful practice will bring renewed focus, peace and strength, along with a grace to carry on. Recognize that He’s already here, commune with the One who lives inside. Abiding is the key to bearing fruit that remains.

I like to put on soaking music for my times of worship. You can find a variety on YouTube. Or choose any type of instrumental or worship music that calms your soul. Then lay down, get comfortable, be still, and listen for His voice. Lean in and anticipate. Be aware of any sensations in your body, such as a feeling of warmth or tingling in certain areas of your body.

This is a special time to receive supernatural impressions and revelation. God talks in a myriad of ways so be perceptive to how He may be communicating with you. Soaking prayer is transformative. It will quicken your spiritual senses and gift of discernment. As your dependency on Him grows, your faith will become bolder, and you’ll develop a quiet and abiding trust.

Set aside 20 to 30 minutes everyday for soaking. It will change your life. Does this sound like something you would like to do?

What is Soaking Prayer - Holly Roylance Signature

P.S. Please join my private Facebook page, The Toxic Relief Room because couldn’t we all use a little toxic relief..

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