What is the most important question when it comes to relationships? Well, okay, there’s two really really really important questions, not just one.

Are you ready? Here you go:
Do you see me? Are you there for me?
It’s really what we all want to know when it comes right down to it…
These questions are key because someone who truly sees their partner and is there for them is emotionally available, has learned the art of listening, and can validate their loved one’s feelings and concerns.
And…. the best part is they can do it consistently.
Because five minutes on the weekend doesn’t cut in when it comes to creating lasting relationships that are mutually fulfilling.
The ability to connect on a deep level, rather than just superficially; to authentically see and respond accordingly to the one you love, is what builds the foundation that enables relationships to endure the challenges of life, and to grow stronger in spite of them.
We all have the need to feel secure in our primary relationships. To have a partner who selfishly gives of their time, their attention, and their love.
An incredible side effect of all this acceptance and unconditional love is that conflict resolution, a very salient issue in relationships, becomes so much easier when a person feels secure in their partner’s love and that they matter.
Were you able to answer yes to both of the questions regarding your primary relationship?
Hit reply and let me know in the comments…
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