Discerning The Jezebel Spirit

The following is an except from an article by Reverend Marie Berbick of Touching Your World Ministries where she underscores the importance of discerning the Jezebel spirit and how to deal with it.

“Unfortunately, many Christians are unaware of the most dangerous form of spiritual destruction, and that is dealing with someone who is possessed with the Jezebel spirit.

Jezebel seeks to destroy churches, families, people, and God’s prophets. It is a wicked, cunning, manipulative spirit that is wreaking havoc in the church and marriages, tearing down ministries and servants of God and destroying lives because many are unaware of how this spirit operates.

The manifestations are clear, BUT unless a person is discerning, they will miss what is happening and mistake it for what it really is.

Anyone operating under this spirit likes to control and manipulate people and will do anything to get what they want. They will lie, scheme, befriend and THEN TURN on the person … without a shred of remorse.

Christians dealing with this kind of spirit must ask God for discernment and protection as it is not easy to take on. There are things to look out for as its modus operandi is very much the SAME … the agenda is always to disrupt and destroy.

Anyone in your workplace or ministry, watch them keenly. If discernment is not high, you might not be able to recognize it. It is good to have discernment as Jezebel is smooth and charming and sometimes not easy to detect.

People operating under the spirit of Jezebel are charismatic and will have everyone on their side.Even when the person who is being ‘terrorized’ by a possessed Jezebel-spirit person complains, *OTHERS WILL NOT SEE IT.* They will more than likely think the complainer is the one who is causing the problem.

People under Jezebel’s control don’t know that they’re being used as tools. The spirit operates through family members, spouses, even people in the church and that is why having knowledge and a plan is so important.

Jezebel has a master plan and that plan must be accomplished, and if they have to bear false witness against you, they will do that too. The thing to do is not to fight back in the physical, but to ask God for discernment in dealing with the situation.

Pray, put on your spiritual armor, and allow God to fight the battle. The one thing not to do is to be caught off guard. Don’t be fooled by what you are seeing in the natural, but realize that it is one of the most powerful spirits that can come against you.

Jezebel doesn’t just have one characteristic, there are a lot of other spirits functioning through the Jezebel spirit and they will try and topple you.”

I hope you found this information helpful and timely if you or someone you know is dealing with this destructive spirit.

Below are three resources you may find helpful:

One Rose Tinted and One Clear Lens: How Narcissism is the Work of the Devil

Narcissism: 3-Book Bundle: Everything You Need to Know About Narcissism and EQ

When Narcissism Come to Church: Healing Your Community From Emotional and Spiritual Abuse

Thanks so much for reading…

The Jezebel Spirit - Holly Roylance Signature

P.S. Please join my private Facebook Group, The Toxic Relief Room, if you’re a woman who needs support in dealing with difficult relationships.

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