Tender Warrior: When Men Get It Right Everybody Wins
“When men get it right in their walk with God, everybody wins, and when men get it wrong everybody pays a price.” This quote is taken from Stu Weber’s beloved book “Tender Warrior: Every Man’s Purpose, Every Woman’s Dream, Every Child’s Hope” where he challenges men to stand up and be the men of honor and valor that God has called them to be. As a result the world would be transformed, starting at the level of the family unit.

Men of Valor, Men of God
What is inside the heart of a man is what will ultimately carry the day. Sadly, the meaning of what it means to be a man in today’s culture is obscured, with no definitive lines. Tender Warrior is a compelling blueprint for both men and women that lovingly outlines the characteristics of manhood according to God’s vision.
Pastor Stu Weber challenges the assumptions of the day, while presenting the character traits of a tender warrior, including:
- How to speak the language of women
- The staying power of making and keeping commitments
- The importance of looking towards the future
Women and children pay dearly for the deeds of men who choose not to follow God. We see this playing out daily in a million heartbreaking scenarios around the world. However, when men access and recalibrate their personal compasses, everybody wins in astonishing and truly remarkable ways.
This book is a wake-up call for men to assume their God-ordained position, which He has designed for them to stand in. A wake-up call is a priceless opportunity for a man to honestly face himself, making the necessary changes and adjustments that will align him with God’s will for his life.
Can you imagine how many wounded souls could have been spared their agony had the men in their lives made a definitive choice on Who they would serve? And how much turmoil and tyranny could be prevented going forward if men would make the conscious decision to be on fire for the One who created them?
Godly men have the power to change the world, but it must first start within marriages and families.
“The present time is of the highest importance –
it is time to wake up to reality. . .
The night is nearly over, the day has almost dawned . . .
Let us arm ourselves for the fight of the day!”
Romans 13:11-12 (Phillips)
Please read Tender Warrior or listen to the audio version, if you’re a man who is looking to transform your walk with God, and in turn, remodel the relationships that are so pivotal to happiness here on earth. We really can bring heaven to earth when all of us, BOTH men and women, work together to do our part…

P.S. I’d love for you to join my private Facebook group, The Toxic Relief Room, if you’re a woman who needs support in dealing with difficult relationships.