How To Communicate With A Man Who Doesn’t Hear You!
Have you ever wondered how to communicate with a man who doesn’t hear you? Here’s an explanation on why narcissists react in such an unreasonable manner. Narcissists react inappropriately because an event, a word, or a look was triggering in itself, but ALSO because that same event triggered a painful trauma embedded in their psyche from childhood.

They, of course, are not cognizant of this fact. They only see the person or situation right in front of them as the triggering factor.
Their reaction to the event is thus two-fold: the situation itself, but also the internal trauma that the event triggered.
Add to this – abnormalities in brain functioning, which cause their reaction to be blown out of proportion and exaggerated – and you can see why it is virtually and utterly impossible to reason with them.
Let’s not forget to add in the deception piece to this convoluted mix. Narcissism is empowered by the demonic entity Jezebel. One of her many tactics is to deceive the person she is attached to.
So now we have:
- A triggering event
- A trauma from childhood that is triggered
- An exaggerated-reaction response
- And the spirit of deception
Trying to reason with a narcissist is an exercise in futility….
There’s just waaaay too much going on behind the scenes for them to react even modestly appropriately. They’re looking through a distorted filter and not a word you can say will clarify reality for them.
It doesn’t help matters that they’re re-living their “proverbial lollipop being taken away from them as a child.”
It’s a total setup trying to engage with them. This is why not sticking around for an explanation as to their overinflated reaction is prudence.
Walk away… quickly…
Don’t be like Lot’s wife. We all know what happened to her.
Nary a glance backwards my friends…

P.S. Please join my private Facebook Group, The Toxic Relief Room, if you’re a woman who needs support in dealing with difficult relationships.