Have you heard the term “an existing ideology of resentment?” You may not have heard the term, but if you’re living with a narcissist, you are most certainly living it.

It goes something like this: If someone has already decided to hate you, NO MATTER what you say or do, will be used to deepen that resentment.
EVERYTHING you do will support their existing opinion of disdain for you.
The fact that narcissists embrace this ideology is just one more reason why behavior modification (on your part) will NOT work with a disordered person.
This is because they have already made up their mind that YOU are the enemy, and no supporting evidence, will sway their opinion.
Since you have already been convicted, everything you say or do from this point forward, will be used as supporting evidence against you.
There is nothing you can do to exonerate yourself…
The bottom line: There is no way to sway someone’s opinion of you if they are already embracing an existing ideology of resentment.
With narcissists, the ideal they hold of you, is set in stone.

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