Ending A Relationship Is NOT Easy

Ending a relationship, and moving on with your life, is not easy. It takes a lot of courage and fortitude to move away from the familiar into uncharted territory. I’ve found that reframing helps…

Ending A Relationship - Isaiah 30:21 Quote

Instead of viewing the situation as losing something, think about it in terms of what you’ll gain. You’re moving towards a new way of being in the world that you’ve never experienced before.

The lessons you’ll learn will be many.

This is an amazing opportunity to reclaim the parts of yourself that were lost in a dysfunctional relationship. The parts of yourself that you miss and that you used to love; the forgotten pieces that can now be recovered and resuscitated.

Once you make the decision to move on, you immediately cross that awful and demoralizing line of being in limbo. You’ve set things in motion…

The road ahead will not be easy, but at least there is movement in your life. You’re now moving towards something, even if you have no idea what that something is going to look like.

There will be days… plan on it… where doubt, indecision, and uncertainty will overwhelm you, but there will also be merciful days of reprieve where you’ll just KNOW that you’re right where you’re supposed to be.

You’ve opened yourself up to endless possibilities that were previously unavailable to you. Grasp that compass of becoming tight in your hands and don’t let it go. Although, it may not feel like it right now, you have every single ingredient you need to create a glorious future.

And remember, all adventures have the fear of the unknown built into them.

Appreciate and hold tight to the glimpses and gentle nudges that will come as you make this exciting and scary journey. This is God letting you know that He’s aware of both the path and the destination.

You’ve officially given yourself permission to come full circle back to yourself.

It’s time to shed the parts that needed all those difficult lessons you learned by being in a toxic marriage, and to begin gently gathering all those precious parts that you thought were lost forever.

You are no longer in survival mode, using all of your valuable energy trying to make a partnership work, that didn’t work, no matter what you did. Your life will be free from all that oppressive heaviness that has held you down for so long.

Think of the freedom.. and the possibilities…

Yes, you have a lot of work to do, a lot of growing to do, but now at least, it will be on your terms. Embrace this new, messy, beautiful life of becoming what you were meant to be all along.

And don’t forget…

God will be with you every step of the way when you’re ending a relationship.

Are you in a relationship where a hard decision needs to be made?

Spiritual Warfare 101 - Holly Knudson Signature

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